[GN] Fix generate Xcode project for macOS to work with Xcode 8.

Overridding ARCHS prevents Xcode 8+ from running the compiled binary
on macOS. In addition avoid hard-coding the version of the SDK to use
(since we do not build with Xcode this value is unused) and instead
mention that the version-less SDK.


Review-Url: https://codereview.chromium.org/2542613002
Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#435483}
Cr-Mirrored-From: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src
Cr-Mirrored-Commit: 5d7f4cee65382c428e9d08112354a8a9bd496aa9
diff --git a/tools/gn/xcode_writer.cc b/tools/gn/xcode_writer.cc
index bce396b..09f62db 100644
--- a/tools/gn/xcode_writer.cc
+++ b/tools/gn/xcode_writer.cc
@@ -42,25 +42,6 @@
   return XcodeWriter::WRITER_TARGET_OS_MACOS;
-std::string GetArchs(const Args& args) {
-  const Value* target_cpu_value = args.GetArgOverride(variables::kTargetCpu);
-  if (target_cpu_value) {
-    if (target_cpu_value->type() == Value::STRING) {
-      if (target_cpu_value->string_value() == "x86")
-        return "i386";
-      if (target_cpu_value->string_value() == "x64")
-        return "x86_64";
-      if (target_cpu_value->string_value() == "arm")
-        return "armv7";
-      if (target_cpu_value->string_value() == "armv7")
-        return "armv7";
-      if (target_cpu_value->string_value() == "arm64")
-        return "armv64";
-    }
-  }
-  return "x86_64";
 std::string GetBuildScript(const std::string& target_name,
                            const std::string& build_path,
                            const std::string& ninja_extra_args) {
@@ -157,8 +138,7 @@
       attributes["TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY"] = "1,2";
     case XcodeWriter::WRITER_TARGET_OS_MACOS:
-      attributes["ARCHS"] = GetArchs(build_settings->build_args());
-      attributes["SDKROOT"] = "macosx10.11";
+      attributes["SDKROOT"] = "macosx";