Fix various stray bugs in the GN auto-roller, and repair the DEPS file.

The GN auto-roller script had two bugs in it, one of which was
damaging the DEPS file: when we updated the buildtools revision,
we would drop a newline and end up concatenating the following line.
A second roll would then drop that concatenated line, shrinking the
file, and so one. This was bad.

Secondly, the auto-roller would leave buildtools/ checked out on a
branch that had been merged into origin/master; this might cause
merge conflicts and confusion down the road.

Review URL:

Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#343804}
Cr-Mirrored-Commit: 7a694fe11fb4602ddd56edfa34a1b48f26049f63
1 file changed
tree: a219d61626eb81a1f5d3a04ff90ce4ff14e72da2
  1. tools/