Improve the "gn path" command.

Previously, GN path would find all paths between the two targets, count them for statistical purposes, sort them, and print the shortest (or all of them if requested).

Unfortunately, there are many hundred millions of unique paths between two targets like //chrome and //base and it would take a long time and eventually run out of address space counting them all.

This patch changes the algorithm from depth-first to breadth-first search, and doesn't traverse or count a target if that target was already found to have a path to the destination. The result is the path from //chrome to //base finds 65 paths which makes the algorithm run instantly and the output with --all is much more useful.

Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#398491}
Cr-Mirrored-Commit: 8161ecd407152b4a07652b62dad8b2b273a55638
1 file changed
tree: 2e8ae27a2c412fef9995db6fd00c472778bc4596
  1. tools/