Add a GN auto-roller script.

This CL adds a script in //tools/gn/bin/ that, given no
arguments, will post three CLs and three tryjobs in order to:
  * build a new GN binary at tip-of-tree
  * update the buildtools repo to the newly built binaries
  * and then update DEPS to point to the leatest buildtools

The script must be run on Linux by someone with commit access to both
src/ and buildtools/.

One can also run the steps independently for testing purposes.

It can only be run in a clean chromium checkout; it should error out
in most cases if something bad happens, but the error checking isn't
yet foolproof.,,

Review URL:

Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#339191}
Cr-Mirrored-Commit: 97ec9ac8703dc10eaef5e60984bb3ecdfad344bd
diff --git a/tools/gn/bin/ b/tools/gn/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6691ecc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/gn/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""An auto-roller for GN binaries into Chromium.
+This script is used to update the GN binaries that a Chromium
+checkout uses. In order to update the binaries, one must follow
+four steps in order:
+1. Trigger try jobs to build a new GN binary at tip-of-tree and upload
+   the newly-built binaries into the right Google CloudStorage bucket.
+2. Wait for the try jobs to complete.
+3. Update the buildtools repo with the .sha1 hashes of the newly built
+   binaries.
+4. Update Chromium's DEPS file to the new version of the buildtools repo.
+The script has four commands that correspond to the four steps above:
+'build', 'wait', 'roll_buildtools', and 'roll_deps'.
+The script has a fifth command, 'roll', that runs the four in order.
+If given no arguments, the script will run the 'roll' command.
+It can only be run on linux in a clean Chromium checkout; it should
+error out in most cases if something bad happens, but the error checking
+isn't yet foolproof.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import argparse
+import json
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import time
+import urllib2
+depot_tools_path = None
+for p in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
+  if (p.rstrip(os.sep).endswith('depot_tools') and
+      os.path.isfile(os.path.join(p, ''))):
+    depot_tools_path = p
+assert depot_tools_path
+if not depot_tools_path in sys.path:
+  sys.path.insert(0, depot_tools_path)
+third_party_path = os.path.join(depot_tools_path, 'third_party')
+if not third_party_path in sys.path:
+  sys.path.insert(0, third_party_path)
+import upload
+class GNRoller(object):
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.chromium_src_dir = None
+    self.buildtools_dir = None
+    self.old_gn_commitish = None
+    self.new_gn_commitish = None
+    self.old_gn_version   = None
+    self.new_gn_version = None
+    self.reviewer = ''
+    if os.getenv('USER') == 'dpranke':
+      self.reviewer = ''
+  def Roll(self):
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.usage = __doc__
+    parser.add_argument('command', nargs='?', default='roll',
+                        help='build|roll|roll_buildtools|roll_deps|wait'
+                             ' (%(default)s is the default)')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    command = args.command
+    ret = self.SetUp()
+    if not ret and command in ('roll', 'build'):
+      ret = self.TriggerBuild()
+    if not ret and command in ('roll', 'wait'):
+      ret = self.WaitForBuildToFinish()
+    if not ret and command in ('roll', 'roll_buildtools'):
+      ret = self.RollBuildtools()
+    if not ret and command in ('roll', 'roll_deps'):
+      ret = self.RollDEPS()
+    return ret
+  def SetUp(self):
+    if sys.platform != 'linux2':
+      print('roll_gn is only tested and working on Linux for now.')
+      return 1
+    ret, out, _ = self.Call('git config --get remote.origin.url')
+    origin = out.strip()
+    if ret or origin != CHROMIUM_REPO:
+      print('Not in a Chromium repo? git config --get remote.origin.url '
+            'returned %d: %s' % (ret, origin))
+      return 1
+    ret, _, _ = self.Call('git diff -q')
+    if ret:
+      print("Checkout is dirty, exiting")
+      return 1
+    _, out, _ = self.Call('git rev-parse --show-toplevel', cwd=os.getcwd())
+    self.chromium_src_dir = out.strip()
+    self.buildtools_dir = os.path.join(self.chromium_src_dir, 'buildtools')
+    self.new_gn_commitish, self.new_gn_version = self.GetNewVersions()
+    _, out, _ = self.Call('gn --version')
+    self.old_gn_version = out.strip()
+    _, out, _ = self.Call('git crrev-parse %s' % self.old_gn_version)
+    self.old_gn_commitish = out.strip()
+    return 0
+  def GetNewVersions(self):
+    _, out, _ = self.Call('git log -1 --grep Cr-Commit-Position')
+    commit_msg = out.splitlines()
+    first_line = commit_msg[0]
+    new_gn_commitish = first_line.split()[1]
+    last_line = commit_msg[-1]
+    new_gn_version = re.sub('.*master@{#(\d+)}', '\\1', last_line)
+    return new_gn_commitish, new_gn_version
+  def TriggerBuild(self):
+    ret, _, _ = self.Call('git new-branch build_gn_%s' % self.new_gn_version)
+    if ret:
+      print('Failed to create a new branch for build_gn_%s' %
+            self.new_gn_version)
+      return 1
+    self.MakeDummyDepsChange()
+    ret, out, err = self.Call('git commit -a -m "Build gn at %s"' %
+                         self.new_gn_version)
+    if ret:
+      print('git commit failed: %s' % out + err)
+      return 1
+    print('Uploading CL to build GN at {#%s} - %s' %
+          (self.new_gn_version, self.new_gn_commitish))
+    ret, out, err = self.Call('git cl upload -f')
+    if ret:
+      print('git-cl upload failed: %s' % out + err)
+      return 1
+    print('Starting try jobs')
+    self.Call('git-cl try -b linux_chromium_gn_upload '
+              '-b mac_chromium_gn_upload '
+              '-b win8_chromium_gn_upload -r %s' % self.new_gn_commitish)
+    return 0
+  def MakeDummyDepsChange(self):
+    with open('DEPS') as fp:
+      deps_content =
+      new_deps = deps_content.replace("'buildtools_revision':",
+                                      "'buildtools_revision':  ")
+    with open('DEPS', 'w') as fp:
+      fp.write(new_deps)
+  def WaitForBuildToFinish(self):
+    print('Checking build')
+    results = self.CheckBuild()
+    while any(r['state'] == 'pending' for r in results.values()):
+      print()
+      print('Sleeping for 30 seconds')
+      time.sleep(30)
+      print('Checking build')
+      results = self.CheckBuild()
+    return 0 if all(r['state'] == 'success' for r in results.values()) else 1
+  def CheckBuild(self):
+    _, out, _ = self.Call('git-cl issue')
+    issue = int(out.split()[2])
+    _, out, _ = self.Call('git config')
+    email = ''
+    rpc_server = upload.GetRpcServer(CODE_REVIEW_SERVER, email)
+    try:
+      props = json.loads(rpc_server.Send('/api/%d' % issue))
+    except Exception as _e:
+      raise
+    patchset = int(props['patchsets'][-1])
+    try:
+      patchset_data = json.loads(rpc_server.Send('/api/%d/%d' %
+                                                 (issue, patchset)))
+    except Exception as _e:
+      raise
+    TRY_JOB_RESULT_STATES = ('success', 'warnings', 'failure', 'skipped',
+                             'exception', 'retry', 'pending')
+    try_job_results = patchset_data['try_job_results']
+    if not try_job_results:
+      print('No try jobs found on most recent patchset')
+      return 1
+    results = {}
+    for job in try_job_results:
+      builder = job['builder']
+      if builder == 'linux_chromium_gn_upload':
+        platform = 'linux64'
+      elif builder == 'mac_chromium_gn_upload':
+        platform = 'mac'
+      elif builder == 'win8_chromium_gn_upload':
+        platform = 'win'
+      else:
+        print('Unexpected builder: %s')
+        continue
+      state = TRY_JOB_RESULT_STATES[int(job['result'])]
+      url_str = ' %s' % job['url']
+      build = url_str.split('/')[-1]
+      sha1 = '-'
+      results.setdefault(platform, {'build': -1, 'sha1': '', 'url': url_str})
+      if state == 'success':
+        jsurl = url_str.replace('/builders/', '/json/builders/')
+        fp = urllib2.urlopen(jsurl)
+        js = json.loads(
+        fp.close()
+        for step in js['steps']:
+          if step['name'] == 'gn sha1':
+            sha1 = step['text'][1]
+      if results[platform]['build'] < build:
+        results[platform]['build'] = build
+        results[platform]['sha1'] = sha1
+        results[platform]['state'] = state
+        results[platform]['url'] = url_str
+    for platform, r in results.items():
+      print(platform)
+      print('  sha1:  %s' % r['sha1'])
+      print('  state: %s' % r['state'])
+      print('  build: %s' % r['build'])
+      print('  url:   %s' % r['url'])
+      print()
+    return results
+  def RollBuildtools(self):
+    results = self.CheckBuild()
+    if not all(r['state'] == 'success' for r in results.values()):
+      print("Roll isn't done or didn't succeed, exiting:")
+      return 1
+    desc = self.GetBuildtoolsDesc()
+    self.Call('git new-branch roll_buildtools_gn_%s' % self.new_gn_version,
+              cwd=self.buildtools_dir)
+    for platform in results:
+      fname = 'gn.exe.sha1' if platform == 'win' else 'gn.sha1'
+      path = os.path.join(self.buildtools_dir, platform, fname)
+      with open(path, 'w') as fp:
+        fp.write('%s\n' % results[platform]['sha1'])
+    desc_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
+    try:
+      desc_file.write(desc)
+      desc_file.close()
+      self.Call('git commit -a -F %s' %,
+                cwd=self.buildtools_dir)
+      self.Call('git-cl upload -f --send-mail',
+                cwd=self.buildtools_dir)
+    finally:
+      os.remove(
+    self.Call('git cl push', cwd=self.buildtools_dir)
+    # Fetch the revision we just committed so that RollDEPS will find it.
+    self.Call('git cl fetch', cwd=self.buildtools_dir)
+    return 0
+  def RollDEPS(self):
+    _, out, _ = self.Call('git rev-parse origin/master',
+                          cwd=self.buildtools_dir)
+    new_buildtools_commitish = out.strip()
+    new_deps_lines = []
+    old_buildtools_commitish = ''
+    with open(os.path.join(self.chromium_src_dir, 'DEPS')) as fp:
+      for l in fp.readlines():
+        m = re.match(".*'buildtools_revision':.*'(.+)',", l)
+        if m:
+          old_buildtools_commitish =
+          new_deps_lines.append("  'buildtools_revision': '%s'," %
+                                new_buildtools_commitish)
+        else:
+          new_deps_lines.append(l)
+    if not old_buildtools_commitish:
+      print('Could not update DEPS properly, exiting')
+      return 1
+    with open('DEPS', 'w') as fp:
+      fp.write(''.join(new_deps_lines) + '\n')
+    desc = self.GetDEPSRollDesc(old_buildtools_commitish,
+                                new_buildtools_commitish)
+    desc_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
+    try:
+      desc_file.write(desc)
+      desc_file.close()
+      self.Call('git commit -a -F %s' %
+      self.Call('git-cl upload -f --send-mail --commit-queue')
+    finally:
+      os.remove(
+    return 0
+  def GetBuildtoolsDesc(self):
+    gn_changes = self.GetGNChanges()
+    return (
+      'Roll gn %s..%s (r%s:%s)\n'
+      '\n'
+      '%s'
+      '\n'
+      'TBR=%s\n' % (
+        self.old_gn_commitish,
+        self.new_gn_commitish,
+        self.old_gn_version,
+        self.new_gn_version,
+        gn_changes,
+        self.reviewer,
+      ))
+  def GetDEPSRollDesc(self, old_buildtools_commitish, new_buildtools_commitish):
+    gn_changes = self.GetGNChanges()
+    return (
+      'Roll DEPS %s..%s\n'
+      '\n'
+      '  in order to roll GN %s..%s (r%s:%s)\n'
+      '\n'
+      '%s'
+      '\n'
+      'TBR=%s\n' % (
+        old_buildtools_commitish,
+        new_buildtools_commitish,
+        self.old_gn_commitish,
+        self.new_gn_commitish,
+        self.old_gn_version,
+        self.new_gn_version,
+        gn_changes,
+        self.reviewer,
+      ))
+  def GetGNChanges(self):
+    _, out, _ = self.Call(
+        "git log --pretty='  %h %s' " +
+        "%s..%s tools/gn" % (self.old_gn_commitish, self.new_gn_commitish))
+    return out
+  def Call(self, cmd, cwd=None):
+    proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True,
+                            cwd=(cwd or self.chromium_src_dir))
+    out, err = proc.communicate()
+    return proc.returncode, out, err
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  roller = GNRoller()
+  sys.exit(roller.Roll())