GN: Throw an error overwriting a nonempty scope.

Previously GN would throw an error if you assigned a nonempty list to another
nonempty list. This is easy to mess up when you actually meant to append.
However, it did not have this protection for "scope"-type values.

Adds such protection to scope-type values, and add unit tests for both

Does some unit test cleanup for the operators unit tests to make them easier to


Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#410874}
Cr-Mirrored-Commit: 56350de24ed370f955b299022e93229f8643ace8
diff --git a/tools/gn/ b/tools/gn/
index ac6a37f..9ac18bf 100644
--- a/tools/gn/
+++ b/tools/gn/
@@ -209,6 +209,33 @@
   *err = Err(*name_token_, "Undefined identifier.");
+// Computes an error message for overwriting a nonempty list/scope with another.
+Err MakeOverwriteError(const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
+                       const Value& old_value) {
+  std::string type_name;
+  std::string empty_def;
+  if (old_value.type() == Value::LIST) {
+    type_name = "list";
+    empty_def = "[]";
+  } else if (old_value.type() == Value::SCOPE) {
+    type_name = "scope";
+    empty_def = "{}";
+  } else {
+  }
+  Err result(op_node->left()->GetRange(),
+      "Replacing nonempty " + type_name + ".",
+      "This overwrites a previously-defined nonempty " + type_name +
+      "with another nonempty " + type_name + ".");
+  result.AppendSubErr(Err(old_value, "for previous definition",
+      "Did you mean to append/modify instead? If you really want to overwrite, "
+      "do:\n"
+      "  foo = " + empty_def + "\nbefore reassigning."));
+  return result;
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Err MakeIncompatibleTypeError(const BinaryOpNode* op_node,
@@ -297,31 +324,23 @@
                     Err* err) {
   const Value* old_value = dest->GetExistingValue();
   if (old_value) {
-    // Throw an error when overwriting a nonempty list with another nonempty
-    // list item. This is to detect the case where you write
-    //   defines = ["FOO"]
-    // and you overwrote inherited ones, when instead you mean to append:
-    //   defines += ["FOO"]
-    if (old_value->type() == Value::LIST &&
-        !old_value->list_value().empty() &&
-        right.type() == Value::LIST &&
-        !right.list_value().empty()) {
-      *err = Err(op_node->left()->GetRange(), "Replacing nonempty list.",
-          std::string("This overwrites a previously-defined nonempty list ") +
-          "(length " +
-          base::IntToString(static_cast<int>(old_value->list_value().size()))
-          + ").");
-      err->AppendSubErr(Err(*old_value, "for previous definition",
-          "with another one (length " +
-          base::IntToString(static_cast<int>(right.list_value().size())) +
-          "). Did you mean " +
-          "\"+=\" to append instead? If you\nreally want to do this, do\n"
-          "  foo = []\nbefore reassigning."));
+    // Check for overwriting nonempty scopes or lists with other nonempty
+    // scopes or lists. This prevents mistakes that clobber a value rather than
+    // appending to it. For cases where a user meant to clear a value, allow
+    // overwriting a nonempty list/scope with an empty one, which can then be
+    // modified.
+    if (old_value->type() == Value::LIST && right.type() == Value::LIST &&
+        !old_value->list_value().empty() && !right.list_value().empty()) {
+      *err = MakeOverwriteError(op_node, *old_value);
+      return Value();
+    } else if (old_value->type() == Value::SCOPE &&
+               right.type() == Value::SCOPE &&
+               old_value->scope_value()->HasValues(Scope::SEARCH_CURRENT) &&
+               right.scope_value()->HasValues(Scope::SEARCH_CURRENT)) {
+      *err = MakeOverwriteError(op_node, *old_value);
       return Value();
-  if (err->has_error())
-    return Value();
   Value* written_value = dest->SetValue(std::move(right), op_node->right());
diff --git a/tools/gn/ b/tools/gn/
index e2c396c..4fa3d11 100644
--- a/tools/gn/
+++ b/tools/gn/
@@ -26,15 +26,6 @@
   return v.string_value() == s;
-// Returns a list populated with a single literal Value corresponding to the
-// given token. The token must outlive the list (since the list will just
-// copy the reference).
-std::unique_ptr<ListNode> ListWithLiteral(const Token& token) {
-  std::unique_ptr<ListNode> list(new ListNode);
-  list->append_item(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>(new LiteralNode(token)));
-  return list;
 // This parse node is for passing to tests. It returns a canned value for
 // Execute().
 class TestParseNode : public ParseNode {
@@ -59,6 +50,54 @@
   Value value_;
+// Sets up a BinaryOpNode for testing.
+class TestBinaryOpNode : public BinaryOpNode {
+ public:
+  // Input token value string must outlive class.
+  TestBinaryOpNode(Token::Type op_token_type,
+                   const char* op_token_value)
+      : BinaryOpNode(),
+        op_token_ownership_(Location(), op_token_type, op_token_value) {
+    set_op(op_token_ownership_);
+  }
+  void SetLeftToValue(const Value& value) {
+    set_left(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>(new TestParseNode(value)));
+  }
+  // Sets the left-hand side of the operator to an identifier node, this is
+  // used for testing assignments. Input string must outlive class.
+  void SetLeftToIdentifier(const char* identifier) {
+    left_identifier_token_ownership_ =
+        Token(Location(), Token::IDENTIFIER, identifier);
+    set_left(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>(
+        new IdentifierNode(left_identifier_token_ownership_)));
+  }
+  void SetRightToValue(const Value& value) {
+    set_right(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>(new TestParseNode(value)));
+  }
+  void SetRightToListOfValue(const Value& value) {
+    Value list(nullptr, Value::LIST);
+    list.list_value().push_back(value);
+    set_right(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>(new TestParseNode(list)));
+  }
+  void SetRightToListOfValue(const Value& value1, const Value& value2) {
+    Value list(nullptr, Value::LIST);
+    list.list_value().push_back(value1);
+    list.list_value().push_back(value2);
+    set_right(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>(new TestParseNode(list)));
+  }
+ private:
+  // The base class takes the Token by reference, this manages the lifetime.
+  Token op_token_ownership_;
+  // When setting the left to an identifier, this manages the lifetime of
+  // the identifier token.
+  Token left_identifier_token_ownership_;
 }  // namespace
 TEST(Operators, SourcesAppend) {
@@ -70,15 +109,8 @@
   setup.scope()->SetValue(sources, Value(nullptr, Value::LIST), nullptr);
   // Set up the operator.
-  BinaryOpNode node;
-  const char token_value[] = "+=";
-  Token op(Location(), Token::PLUS_EQUALS, token_value);
-  node.set_op(op);
-  // Append to the sources variable.
-  Token identifier_token(Location(), Token::IDENTIFIER, sources);
-  node.set_left(
-      std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>(new IdentifierNode(identifier_token)));
+  TestBinaryOpNode node(Token::PLUS_EQUALS, "+=");
+  node.SetLeftToIdentifier(sources);
   // Set up the filter on the scope to remove everything ending with "rm"
   std::unique_ptr<PatternList> pattern_list(new PatternList);
@@ -86,31 +118,25 @@
   // Append an integer.
-  const char integer_value[] = "5";
-  Token integer(Location(), Token::INTEGER, integer_value);
-  node.set_right(ListWithLiteral(integer));
+  node.SetRightToListOfValue(Value(nullptr, static_cast<int64_t>(5)));
   node.Execute(setup.scope(), &err);
   // Append a string that doesn't match the pattern, it should get appended.
-  const char string_1_value[] = "\"good\"";
-  Token string_1(Location(), Token::STRING, string_1_value);
-  node.set_right(ListWithLiteral(string_1));
+  const char string1[] = "good";
+  node.SetRightToListOfValue(Value(nullptr, string1));
   node.Execute(setup.scope(), &err);
   // Append a string that does match the pattern, it should be a no-op.
-  const char string_2_value[] = "\"foo-rm\"";
-  Token string_2(Location(), Token::STRING, string_2_value);
-  node.set_right(ListWithLiteral(string_2));
+  const char string2[] = "foo-rm";
+  node.SetRightToListOfValue(Value(nullptr, string2));
   node.Execute(setup.scope(), &err);
   // Append a list with the two strings from above.
-  ListNode list;
-  list.append_item(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>(new LiteralNode(string_1)));
-  list.append_item(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>(new LiteralNode(string_2)));
-  ExecuteBinaryOperator(setup.scope(), &node, node.left(), &list, &err);
+  node.SetRightToListOfValue(Value(nullptr, string1), Value(nullptr, string2));
+  node.Execute(setup.scope(), &err);
   // The sources variable in the scope should now have: [ 5, "good", "good" ]
@@ -133,23 +159,14 @@
   const char foo[] = "foo";
   setup.scope()->SetValue(foo, Value(nullptr, Value::LIST), nullptr);
-  // Set up the operator.
-  BinaryOpNode node;
-  const char token_value[] = "+=";
-  Token op(Location(), Token::PLUS_EQUALS, token_value);
-  node.set_op(op);
-  // Append to the foo variable.
-  Token identifier_token(Location(), Token::IDENTIFIER, foo);
-  node.set_left(
-      std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>(new IdentifierNode(identifier_token)));
+  // Set up the operator to append to "foo".
+  TestBinaryOpNode node(Token::PLUS_EQUALS, "+=");
+  node.SetLeftToIdentifier(foo);
   // Append a list with a list, the result should be a nested list.
-  std::unique_ptr<ListNode> outer_list(new ListNode);
-  const char twelve_str[] = "12";
-  Token twelve(Location(), Token::INTEGER, twelve_str);
-  outer_list->append_item(ListWithLiteral(twelve));
-  node.set_right(std::move(outer_list));
+  Value inner_list(nullptr, Value::LIST);
+  inner_list.list_value().push_back(Value(nullptr, static_cast<int64_t>(12)));
+  node.SetRightToListOfValue(inner_list);
   Value ret = ExecuteBinaryOperator(setup.scope(), &node, node.left(),
                                     node.right(), &err);
@@ -177,7 +194,7 @@
   err = Err();
-  node.set_right(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>(new LiteralNode(twelve)));
+  node.SetRightToValue(Value(nullptr, static_cast<int64_t>(12)));
   ExecuteBinaryOperator(setup.scope(), &node, node.left(), node.right(), &err);
@@ -194,26 +211,14 @@
   test_list.list_value().push_back(Value(nullptr, foo_str));
   // Set up "var" with an the test list.
-  const char var_str[] = "var";
-  setup.scope()->SetValue(var_str, test_list, nullptr);
+  const char var[] = "var";
+  setup.scope()->SetValue(var, test_list, nullptr);
-  // Set up the operator.
-  BinaryOpNode node;
-  const char token_value[] = "-=";
-  Token op(Location(), Token::MINUS_EQUALS, token_value);
-  node.set_op(op);
-  // Do -= on the var.
-  Token identifier_token(Location(), Token::IDENTIFIER, var_str);
-  node.set_left(
-      std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>(new IdentifierNode(identifier_token)));
+  TestBinaryOpNode node(Token::MINUS_EQUALS, "-=");
+  node.SetLeftToIdentifier(var);
   // Subtract a list consisting of "foo".
-  Value foo_list(nullptr, Value::LIST);
-  foo_list.list_value().push_back(Value(nullptr, foo_str));
-  std::unique_ptr<ParseNode> outer_list(new TestParseNode(foo_list));
-  node.set_right(std::move(outer_list));
+  node.SetRightToListOfValue(Value(nullptr, foo_str));
   Value result = ExecuteBinaryOperator(
       setup.scope(), &node, node.left(), node.right(), &err);
@@ -224,7 +229,7 @@
   // The "var" variable should have been updated. Both instances of "foo" are
   // deleted.
-  const Value* new_value = setup.scope()->GetValue(var_str);
+  const Value* new_value = setup.scope()->GetValue(var);
   ASSERT_EQ(Value::LIST, new_value->type());
   ASSERT_EQ(1u, new_value->list_value().size());
@@ -236,16 +241,9 @@
   Err err;
   TestWithScope setup;
-  // Set up the operator.
-  BinaryOpNode node;
-  const char token_value[] = "&&";
-  Token op(Location(), Token::BOOLEAN_AND, token_value);
-  node.set_op(op);
-  // Set the left to false.
-  const char false_str[] = "false";
-  Token false_tok(Location(), Token::FALSE_TOKEN, false_str);
-  node.set_left(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>(new LiteralNode(false_tok)));
+  // Set a && operator with the left to false.
+  TestBinaryOpNode node(Token::BOOLEAN_AND, "&&");
+  node.SetLeftToValue(Value(nullptr, false));
   // Set right as foo, but don't define a value for it.
   const char foo[] = "foo";
@@ -262,16 +260,9 @@
   Err err;
   TestWithScope setup;
-  // Set up the operator.
-  BinaryOpNode node;
-  const char token_value[] = "||";
-  Token op(Location(), Token::BOOLEAN_OR, token_value);
-  node.set_op(op);
-  // Set the left to false.
-  const char false_str[] = "true";
-  Token false_tok(Location(), Token::TRUE_TOKEN, false_str);
-  node.set_left(std::unique_ptr<ParseNode>(new LiteralNode(false_tok)));
+  // Set a || operator with the left to true.
+  TestBinaryOpNode node(Token::BOOLEAN_OR, "||");
+  node.SetLeftToValue(Value(nullptr, true));
   // Set right as foo, but don't define a value for it.
   const char foo[] = "foo";
@@ -283,3 +274,59 @@
                                     node.right(), &err);
+// Overwriting nonempty lists and scopes with other nonempty lists and scopes
+// should be disallowed.
+TEST(Operators, NonemptyOverwriting) {
+  Err err;
+  TestWithScope setup;
+  // Set up "foo" with a nonempty list.
+  const char foo[] = "foo";
+  Value old_value(nullptr, Value::LIST);
+  old_value.list_value().push_back(Value(nullptr, "string"));
+  setup.scope()->SetValue(foo, old_value, nullptr);
+  TestBinaryOpNode node(Token::EQUAL, "=");
+  node.SetLeftToIdentifier(foo);
+  // Assigning a nonempty list should fail.
+  node.SetRightToListOfValue(Value(nullptr, "string"));
+  node.Execute(setup.scope(), &err);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(err.has_error());
+  EXPECT_EQ("Replacing nonempty list.", err.message());
+  err = Err();
+  // Assigning an empty list should succeed.
+  node.SetRightToValue(Value(nullptr, Value::LIST));
+  node.Execute(setup.scope(), &err);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(err.has_error());
+  const Value* new_value = setup.scope()->GetValue(foo);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(new_value);
+  ASSERT_EQ(Value::LIST, new_value->type());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(new_value->list_value().empty());
+  // Set up "foo" with a nonempty scope.
+  const char bar[] = "bar";
+  old_value = Value(
+      nullptr, std::unique_ptr<Scope>(new Scope(setup.settings())));
+  old_value.scope_value()->SetValue(bar, Value(nullptr, "bar"), nullptr);
+  setup.scope()->SetValue(foo, old_value, nullptr);
+  // Assigning a nonempty scope should fail (re-use old_value copy).
+  node.SetRightToValue(old_value);
+  node.Execute(setup.scope(), &err);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(err.has_error());
+  EXPECT_EQ("Replacing nonempty scope.", err.message());
+  err = Err();
+  // Assigning an empty list should succeed.
+  node.SetRightToValue(
+      Value(nullptr, std::unique_ptr<Scope>(new Scope(setup.settings()))));
+  node.Execute(setup.scope(), &err);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(err.has_error());
+  new_value = setup.scope()->GetValue(foo);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(new_value);
+  ASSERT_EQ(Value::SCOPE, new_value->type());
+  ASSERT_FALSE(new_value->scope_value()->HasValues(Scope::SEARCH_CURRENT));
diff --git a/tools/gn/ b/tools/gn/
index 7e7c201..fbe73f4 100644
--- a/tools/gn/
+++ b/tools/gn/
@@ -71,6 +71,11 @@
   mutable_containing_ = nullptr;
+bool Scope::HasValues(SearchNested search_nested) const {
+  DCHECK(search_nested == SEARCH_CURRENT);
+  return !values_.empty();
 const Value* Scope::GetValue(const base::StringPiece& ident,
                              bool counts_as_used) {
   // First check for programmatically-provided values.
diff --git a/tools/gn/scope.h b/tools/gn/scope.h
index 3d36712..b87afcd 100644
--- a/tools/gn/scope.h
+++ b/tools/gn/scope.h
@@ -125,6 +125,14 @@
   // self-sufficient.
   void DetachFromContaining();
+  // Returns true if the scope has any values set. This does not check other
+  // things that may be set like templates or defaults.
+  //
+  // Currently this does not search nested scopes and this will assert if you
+  // want to search nested scopes. The enum is passed so the callers are
+  // unambiguous about nested scope handling. This can be added if needed.
+  bool HasValues(SearchNested search_nested) const;
   // Returns NULL if there's no such value.
   // counts_as_used should be set if the variable is being read in a way that
@@ -133,16 +141,6 @@
                         bool counts_as_used);
   const Value* GetValue(const base::StringPiece& ident) const;
-  // If the value exists in the current scope, destrictively moves it into the
-  // return value. If it exists in a containing scope, copies it.
-  //
-  // This is for implementing modify-write operations where we want to read
-  // the existing value and plan to immediately overwrite it. If the value is
-  // in a containing scope, we never want to touch it (all writes go to the
-  // current scope), but if it's in the current scope, avoid the copy since it
-  // will be overwritten anyway.
-  //Value DestructiveMoveOut(const base::StringPiece& ident);
   // Returns the requested value as a mutable one if possible. If the value
   // is not found in a mutable scope, then returns null. Note that the value
   // could still exist in a const scope, so GetValue() could still return