Vim: Don't prepend to runtimepath

Recommend appending, instead of prepending, paths to `runtimepath`.

Vim uses the first directory in the 'runtimepath' option for some
special uses, such as the location of the .netrwhist file.[1]
Prepending these paths to `runtimepath` may result in unwanted file
creation in those directories, leading to annoying untracked files
in your workdir.

It should be safe to append these paths instead, assuming other scripts
for these file types aren't appended first.

Alternatively, we could add files like .netrwhist to .gitignore, but
then developers would lose global Vim history when removing their
workdir, which is weird.


Change-Id: I3bff2aa540a8392b103d0edf3eba59b7482296c7
Reviewed-by: Scott Graham <>
Commit-Queue: Michael Giuffrida <>
Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#509292}
Cr-Mirrored-Commit: c5f65876ea05ad7f37c58b811d69c8e1480ac421
1 file changed
tree: e97bdf223a48cb50de114fbbf99350cd6392a547
  1. tools/