blob: 53ee3d9ab6994a6386468643d41e6f9b815ad4c1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
if (target_os == "") {
target_os = "ios"
if (target_cpu == "") {
target_cpu = host_cpu
if (current_cpu == "") {
current_cpu = target_cpu
if (current_os == "") {
current_os = target_os
# All binary targets will get this list of configs by default.
_shared_binary_target_configs = [ "//build:compiler" ]
# Apply that default list to the binary target types.
set_defaults("executable") {
configs = _shared_binary_target_configs
configs += [ "//build:shared_binary" ]
set_defaults("static_library") {
configs = _shared_binary_target_configs
set_defaults("shared_library") {
configs = _shared_binary_target_configs
configs += [ "//build:shared_binary" ]
set_defaults("source_set") {
configs = _shared_binary_target_configs
if (target_os == "ios") {
host_toolchain = "//build/toolchain/$host_os:clang_$host_cpu"
} else {
host_toolchain = default_toolchain