Remove the GN cookbook document.

This document was for listing equivalents between GYP and GN which are no longer relevant.

Many of the items our out-of-date already, and it is not being updated further. I have already removed the references to this document from the Google Sites pages.

Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#432897}
Cr-Mirrored-Commit: 6afdb84319431eb94809a5f2ef9f33960dd2dea6
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index ad731a6..4f90505 100644
--- a/tools/gn/
+++ b/tools/gn/
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   * [Quick start](
   * [FAQ](
-  * [GYP conversion cookbook](
   * [Language and operation details](
   * [Reference]( The built-in `gn help` documentation.
   * [Style guide](
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-# GYP->GN Conversion Cookbook
-## Targets
-| *GYP*                                            | *GN*                                               |
-| `'type': 'static_library', 'name': 'foo',`       | `static_library("foo") {` or `source_set("foo") {` |
-| `'type': 'shared_library', 'name': 'foo',`       | `shared_library("foo") {`                          |
-| `'type': 'loadable_module', 'name': 'foo',`      | `loadable_module("foo") {`                         |
-| `'type': '<(component)', 'name': 'foo',`         | `component("foo") {`                               |
-| `'type': 'executable', 'name': 'foo',`           | `executable("foo") {`                              |
-| `'type': '<(gtest_target_type)', 'name': 'foo',` | `test("foo") {`                                    |
-| `'type': 'none', 'name': 'foo',`                 | `group("foo") {`                                   |
-### Note on static libraries
-A source\_set is basically a transparent static\_library. The source files
-are compiled with the given options but not linked into anything.
-Targets that depend on a source set get the source set's object files
-linked into it. This saves the overhead of creating a static library on
-disk, avoids weird linker issues when a static library has no source
-files, and you can link source sets into shared libraries and have
-symbols exported from the shared library.
-The last issue is a cause of a lot of headaches in the GYP build. If you
-annotate a symbol as exported (i.e. `BASE_EXPORT`) then you can't have
-it in a file that goes into a static library because the function might
-be [stripped out](
-if it's not called from within the static library. This
-prevents composing components of static libraries and exporting their
-symbols. A source set avoids this issue and `EXPORT` has the desired
-meaning of "export from the component this gets linked into" with no
-surprising dead code stripping behavior.
-A disadvantage of source sets is that if an object file is completely
-unused, it will still be linked into the result, which is not the case
-for static libraries. A few places in the build depend on this behavior
-(deliberately or accidentally). In general, small libraries that we
-expect to be entirely used, test helpers, etc. can be source sets. There
-is slightly less risk of subtle issues if you keep static libraries
-static libraries, however.
-### Actions
-  'action_name': 'foo',
-  'inputs': [ '' ],
-  'outputs': [ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/bar.out' ],
-  'action': ['python', '', '--la_dee_da' ],
-Unlike GYP, where an action is a part of a target, GN actions are
-separate targets that you then depend on via deps from other targets:
-action("foo") {
-  script = ""
-  outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/bar.out" ]
-  args = [ "--la_dee_da" ]
-executable("foo.exe") {
-  ...
-  deps = [ ":foo" ]  # Depend on the action to make sure it runs.
-Rules in GYP become `action_foreach` in GN which work like actions but
-iterate over a set of sources.
-### Copies
-'copies': [
-  {
-    'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/',
-    'files': [
-      '../build/win/dbghelp_xp/dbghelp.dll',
-    ],
-  },
-Unlike GYP, where copies are part of a target, GN copies are
-separate targets that you then depend on via deps from other targets:
-copy("bar") {
-  sources = [ "../path/to/secret.dll" ]
-  outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/{{source_file_part}}" ]
-component("base") {
-  ...
-  deps = [ "bar" }  # Depend on the copy to make sure it runs.
-## Platform checking
-| *GYP*                                | *GN*                 |
-| `'conditions': [['OS=="win"', {`     | `if (is_win) {`      |
-| `'conditions': [['OS=="linux"', {`   | `if (is_linux) {`    |
-| `'conditions': [['OS=="android"', {` | `if (is_android) {`  |
-| `'conditions': [['OS=="mac"', {`     | `if (is_mac) {`      |
-| `'conditions': [['OS=="ios"', {`     | `if (is_ios) {`      |
-| `'conditions': [['chromeos==1', {`   | `if (is_chromeos) {` |
-## Typical sources and deps modifications
-### GYP
-'sources': [
-  '',
-  '',
-  '',
-'dependencies': [
-  '<(DEPTH)/base/base.gyp:foo',
-'conditions': [
-  ['OS=="win"': {
-    'sources!': [
-       '',
-    ],
-    'sources': [
-      '',
-    ],
-    'dependencies': [
-      '<(DEPTH)/base/base.gyp:bar',
-    ],
-  }, {
-    'sources/': [
-      ['exclude', '^b\\.cc$'],
-    ],
-  }],
-### GN
-sources = [
-  "",
-deps = [
-  "//base:foo",
-if (is_win) {
-  sources += [
-    "",
-    "',
-  ]
-  deps += [ "//base:bar" ]
-} else {
-  sources += [ "" ]
-Note that in GN we prefer to only add files when needed, and don't add all of
-them at first only to remove them later like in gyp.
-## Variable mappings
-### Build configuration
-Build configuration and feature flags are usually global in GYP. In GN
-we try to limit global variables and instead put variables used by only
-some files into `.gni` files. These files are then imported into your
-buildfile by specifying at the top:
-# ... now you can use the variables declared in features.gni.
-if (is_tsan) {
-  # ...
-if (cld_version == 2) {
-  # ...
-Other flags only apply to one `` file and those flags are
-declared directly in that file (so other files can't use them). These
-places are noted in the table below.
-| *GYP*                                           | *GN*                                       | *GN import*                                    |
-| `arm_float_abi`                                 | `arm_float_abi`                            | `//build/config/arm.gni`                       |
-| `arm_neon` (0/1)                                | `arm_use_neon` (true/false)                | `//build/config/arm.gni`                       |
-| `arm_neon_optional` (0/1)                       | `arm_optionally_use_neon` (true/false)     | `//build/config/arm.gni`                       |
-| `arm_version`                                   | `arm_version`                              | `//build/config/arm.gni`                       |
-| `asan` (0/1)                                    | `is_asan` (true/false)                     | `//build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni`     |
-| `branding` ("Chromium"/"Chrome")                | `is_chrome_branded` (true/false)           | `//build/config/chrome_build.gni`              |
-| `build_for_tool=="tsan"`                        | `enable_iterator_debugging=false`          | (internal to `//build/config/`)        |
-| `buildtype` ("Official"/"Dev")                  | `is_official_build` (true/false)           | `//build/config/chrome_build.gni`              |
-| `chrome_multiple_dll` (0/1)                     | `is_multi_dll_chrome` (true/false)         | `//build/config/chrome_build.gni`              |
-| `clang` (0/1)                                   | `is_clang` (true/false)                    | (global)                                       |
-| `clang_use_chrome_plugins` (0/1)                | `clang_use_chrome_plugins` (true/false)    | (internal to `//build/config/clang/`)  |
-| `component` ("shared_library"/"static_library") | `is_component_build` (true/false)          | (global)                                       |
-| `desktop_linux` (0/1)                           | `is_desktop_linux` (true/false)            | (global)                                       |
-| `disable_glibcxx_debug` (0/1)                   | `enable_iterator_debugging` (true/false)   | (internal to `//build/config/`)        |
-| `fastbuild` (0/1/2)                             | `symbol_level` (2/1/0 — values inverted)   | `//build/config/compiler/compiler.gni`         |
-| `gomadir`                                       | `goma_dir`                                 | `//build/toolchain/goma.gni`                   |
-| `ios_deployment_target` (string)                | `ios_deployment_target`                    | `//build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni`               |
-| `GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH` environment variable   | `visual_studio_path`                       | `//build/config/win/visual_studio_version.gni` |
-| `GYP_MSVS_VERSION` environment variable         | (none)                                     |                                                |
-| `ios_sdk_path`                                  | `ios_sdk_path` and `use_ios_simulator`     | `//build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni`               |
-| `lsan` (0/1)                                    | `is_lsan` (true/false)                     | `//build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni`     |
-| `mac_sdk_min`                                   | `mac_sdk_min`                              | `//build/config/mac/mac_sdk.gni`               |
-| `mac_sdk_path`                                  | `mac_sdk_path`                             | `//build/config/mac/mac_sdk.gni`               |
-| `mac_sdk`                                       | `mac_sdk_version`                          | `//build/config/mac/mac_sdk.gni`               |
-| `mac_strip_release`                             | `enable_stripping`                         | `//build/config/mac/symbols.gni`               |
-| `mac_want_real_dsym`                            | `enable_dsyms`                             | `//build/config/mac/symbols.gni`               |
-| `msan` (0/1)                                    | `is_msan` (true/false)                     | `//build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni`     |
-| `SDKROOT` (Mac)                                 | `sysroot`                                  | `//build/config/sysroot.gni`                   |
-| `sysroot`                                       | `sysroot`                                  | `//build/config/sysroot.gni`                   |
-| `target_arch` ("ia32"/"x64"/"arm"/"mipsel")     | `target_cpu` ("x86"/"x64"/"arm"/"mipsel")  | (global)                                       |
-| `toolkit_views` (0/1)                           | `toolkit_views`                            | `//build/config/ui.gni`                        |
-| `tsan` (0/1)                                    | `is_tsan` (true/false)                     | `//build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni`     |
-| `windows_sdk_path`                              | `windows_sdk_path`                         | (internal to `//build/config/win/`)    |
-### Feature flags
-| *GYP*                                   | *GN*                                           | *GN import*                   |
-| `cld_version` (number)                  | `cld_version` (number)                         | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `configuration_policy` (0/1)            | `enable_configuration_policy` (true/false)     | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `debug_devtools` (0/1)                  | `debug_devtools` (true/false)                  | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `disable_ftp_support` (0/1)             | `disable_ftp_support` (true/false)             | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `disable_nacl` (0/1)                    | `enable_nacl` (true/false)                     | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `enable_app_list` (0/1)                 | `enable_app_list` (true/false)                 | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `enable_autofill_dialog` (0/1)          | `enable_autofill_dialog` (true/false)          | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `enable_background` (0/1)               | `enable_background` (true/false)               | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `enable_captive_portal_detection` (0/1) | `enable_captive_portal_detection` (true/false) | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `enable_chromevox_next` (0/1)           | `enable_chromevox_next` (true/false)           | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `enable_extensions` (0/1)               | `enable_extensions` (true/false)               | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `enable_google_now` (0/1)               | `enable_google_now` (true/false)               | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `enable_hidpi` (0/1)                    | `enable_hidpi` (true/false)                    | `//ui/base/ui_features.gni`   |
-| `enable_managed_users` (0/1)            | `enable_managed_users` (true/false)            | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `enable_mdns` (0/1)                     | `enable_mdns` (true/false)                     | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `enable_one_click_signin` (0/1)         | `enable_one_click_signin` (true/false)         | `//chrome/common/features.gni` |
-| `enable_pepper_cdms` (0/1)              | `enable_pepper_cdms` (true/false)              | `//ppapi/features/features.gni` |
-| `enable_plugins` (0/1)                  | `enable_plugins` (true/false)                  | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `enable_plugin_installation` (0/1)      | `enable_plugin_installation` (true/false)      | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `enable_basic_printing` (0/1)           | `enable_basic_printing` (true/false)           | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `enable_print_preview` (0/1)            | `enable_print_preview` (true/false)            | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `enable_rlz` (0/1)                      | `enable_rlz` (true/false)                      | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `enable_spellcheck` (0/1)               | `enable_spellcheck` (true/false)               | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `enable_session_service` (0/1)          | `enable_session_service` (true/false)          | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `enable_task_manager` (0/1)             | `enable_task_manager` (true/false)             | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `enable_themes` (0/1)                   | `enable_themes` (true/false)                   | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `enable_webrtc` (0/1)                   | `enable_webrtc` (true/false)                   | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `image_loader_extension` (0/1)          | `enable_image_loader_extension` (true/false)   | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `input_speech` (0/1)                    | `enable_speech_input` (true/false)             | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `notifications` (0/1)                   | `enable_notifications` (true/false)            | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `ozone_platform_dri` (0/1)              | `ozone_platform_dri` (true/false)              | `//build/config/ui.gni`       |
-| `remoting` (0/1)                        | `enable_remoting` (true/false)                 | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `safe_browsing` (0/1/2)                 | `safe_browsing_mode` (0/1/2)                   | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `use_allocator` (`'none'`|`'tcmalloc'`) | `use_allocator` (`"none"`|`"tcmalloc"`)        | (See "Allocator" below)       |
-| `ui_compositor_image_transport` (0/1)   | `ui_compositor_image_transport` (true/false)   | `//build/config/ui.gni`       |
-| `use_ash` (0/1)                         | `use_ash` (true/false)                         | `//build/config/ui.gni`       |
-| `use_athena` (0/1)                      | `use_athena` (true/false)                      | `//build/config/ui.gni`       |
-| `use_aura` (0/1)                        | `use_aura` (true/false)                        | `//build/config/ui.gni`       |
-| `use_cairo` (0/1)                       | `use_cairo` (true/false)                       | `//build/config/ui.gni`       |
-| `use_cups` (0/1)                        | `use_cups` (true/false)                        | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `use_dbus` (0/1)                        | `use_dbus` (true/false)                        | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `use_gconf` (0/1)                       | `use_gconf` (true/false)                       | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `use_glib` (0/1)                        | `is_linux` (true/false)                        | (global)                      |
-| `use_gnome_keyring` (0/1)               | `use_gnome_keyring` (true/false)               |                               |
-| `use_goma` (0/1)                        | `use_goma` (true/false)                        | `//build/toolchain/goma.gni`  |
-| `use_nss_certs` (0/1)                   | `use_nss_certs` (true/false)                   | `//build/config/crypto.gni` (Many of these conditions can be deleted, see the "SSL" notes on targets below.) |
-| `use_pango` (0/1)                       | `use_pango` (true/false)                       | `//build/config/ui.gni`       |
-| `use_ozone` (0/1)                       | `use_ozone` (true/false)                       | `//build/config/ui.gni`       |
-| `use_seccomp_bpf` (0/1)                 | `use_seccomp_bpf` (true/false)                 | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `use_udev` (0/1)                        | `use_udev` (true/false)                        | `//build/config/features.gni` |
-| `use_x11` (0/1)                         | `use_x11` (true/false)                         | `//build/config/ui.gni`       |
-| `use_xi2_mt` (0/1)                      | `use_xi2_mt` (true/false)                      | `//build/config/ui.gni`       |
-| `win_use_allocator_shim` (0/1)          |                                                | (See "Allocator" below)       |
-### Common target conversion
-Some targets that lots of projects depend on and how the GN ones
-correspond to GYP ones. (This is for commonly-depended-on or weird
-targets only, don't add stuff here just because you converted it.)
-| *GYP*                                                                              | *GN*                                     | *Notes* (see below)  |
-| `base/base.gyp:base`                                                               | `//base`                                 |                      |
-| `base/base.gyp:base_i18n`                                                          | `//base:i18n`                            |                      |
-| `base/base.gyp:run_all_unittests`                                                  | `//base/test:run_all_unittests`          |                      |
-| `base/base.gyp:test_support_base`                                                  | `//base/test:test_support`               |                      |
-| `base/third_party/dynamic_annotations/dynamic_annotations.gyp:dynamic_annotations` | `//base/third_party/dynamic_annotations` |                      |
-| `build/linux/system.gyp:*` (except nss)                                            | `//build/config/linux:*`                 | Linux system targets |
-| `build/linux/system.gyp:nss`                                                       | `//crypto:platform`                      | SSL                  |
-| `net/third_party/nss/ssl.gyp:libssl`                                               | `//crypto:platform`                      | SSL                  |
-| `skia/skia.gyp:skia`                                                               | `//skia`                                 |                      |
-| `testing/gmock.gyp:gmock`                                                          | `//testing/gmock`                        | Secondary tree       |
-| `testing/gtest.gyp:gtest`                                                          | `//testing/gtest`                        | Secondary treeo      |
-| `third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icui18n`                                                  | `//third_party/icu`                      | Secondary tree, ICU  |
-| `third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icuuc`                                                    | `//third_party/icu`                      | Secondary tree, ICU  |
-| `url/url.gyp:url_lib`                                                              | `//url` || ||
-  * *ICU:* GN has separate `//third_party/icu:icuuc` and
-    `//third_party/icu:icui18n` targets just like GYP. You can use these
-    if you only need one of them. Most targets want both, so GN made a
-    meta target that's just `//third_party/icu` which you can use that
-    redirects to both "uc" and "i18n".
-  * *Linux system targets:* Generally the names in GN patch the GYP
-    names for the Linux system-related stuff. However, most of them are
-    configs instead of actual targets (in GYP they're all targets). For
-    example, since "x11" is just a list of libraries and include
-    directories, and includes no sources it's a config that just adds
-    this configuration to your target. To use a config, do `configs += [
-    "//build/config/linux:x11" ]`
-  * *Secondary tree:* Some projects are DEPSed in and we want it to look
-    like a file is in that directory without checking it in to
-    the upstream repo. The directory `build/secondary` mirrors the main
-    tree and is checked for files if an expected file in the
-    main tree wasn't found.
-  * *SSL:* In GYP there are lots of conditions around NSS vs. OpenSSL
-    and different platforms that determine which of the different SSL
-    libraries is linked. In GN, there is a meta-target
-    `//crypto:platform` that will "do the right thing" according to the
-    current build platform and flags. Generally its safe to replace any
-    conditional reference to a SSL library with this one.
-## Visibility and header file issues
-GN is much more strict about header file checking. You may encounter
-errors that your target doesn't depend on the target containing a
-certain header file. The most common example is including
-`base/macros.h` without having `//base` in your project's dependency
-list. The solution is to just add the missing dependency.
-The dependency tree must be a DAG. Some components might share headers
-between a number of internal targets that makes adding the "proper"
-dependencies impossible. In this case, you can separate out a
-`source_set` type target containing just the header(s) in question, and
-make the targets that use that header depend on that source set to break
-the cycle.
-##  Other stuff
-### Target conditions
-`target_conditions` are like normal conditions but expanded in a
-different phase of GYP. You can generally just convert the conditions
-inside and not worry about the `conditions`/`target_conditions`
-### xcode_settings
-Some xcode settings are obvious:
-  'xcode_settings': {'OTHER_LDFLAGS': ['-foo']},
-Should just expand to:
-  ldflags = [ "-foo" ]
-Other flags are less obvious:
-  'xcode_settings': { 'GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN': 'NO', },
-These all correspond to various flags that get passed to the compiler or
-linker. You can use your favorite search engine to see what it
-corresponds to, but many of them are not well documented. You can also
-search for the string in
-[tools/gyp/pylib/gyp/]( GYP uses this file to decode
-the Xcode settings into command line flags for the ninja build.
-### wexit-time destructors
-'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1,
-configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:wexit_time_destructors" ]
-### Chromium code
-In GYP code is "non-Chromium" by default, and you opt into higher warning levels using:
-'chromium_code': 1,
-In GN, all code is Chromium code by default. If you're compiling a
-static library that needs more lax warnings, opt out of the
-Chromium-code settings with:
-configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:chromium_code" ]
-configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:no_chromium_code" ]
-### -fvisibility
-All symbols in the build have "hidden" visibility by default (this means
-that symbols aren't exported from shared libraries, a concept different
-than GN's target visibility). If you needed to export all symbols (for a
-third party library) by default in GYP you would do:
-'xcode_settings': [
-  'GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN': 'NO',  # no -fvisibility=hidden
-'cflags!': [
-  '-fvisibility=hidden',
-In GN the equivalent is:
-if (!is_win) {
-  configs -= [ "//build/config/gcc:symbol_visibility_hidden" ]
-### Dependent settings
-In GYP you'll see stuff like this, especially in third-party code.
-'direct_dependent_settings': {
-  'include_dirs': [
-    '.',  # This directory.
-    '../..',  # Root "src" path.
-  ],
-  'defines': [
-    'FOO',
-  ],
-Note that many of the includes are trying to add the root "src"
-directory to the include path. This is always present in GN so you can
-remove these.
-GYP also requires you to duplicate these settings, once for the target
-itself, and once for the direct/all dependent settings. In GN,
-public/all dependent configs also apply to the current target so you
-only need to specify it once.
-In GN, put the settings in a config (declared above your target), and
-then reference that as a public config in your target:
-config("foo_config") {
-  include_dirs = [ "." ]
-  defines = [ "FOO" ]
-component("foo") {
-  ...
-  public_configs = [ ":foo_config" ]
-Targets that depend on `foo` will now get `foo_config` applied.
-GYP would say `export_dependent_settings` to forward
-`direct_dependent_settings` up the dependency chain. In GN, put the
-dependency in the `public_deps` section and this will happen
-### MSVS disabled warnings
-In GYP you'll see for third-party code:
-'msvs_disabled_warnings': [ 4018, 4244, 4267, ],
-At least half of the warnings in these blocks are already disabled
-globally (we added more global ones later). From the command line, do:
-$ cd src/build/config
-$ git grep 4018
-compiler/      "/wd4018",  # Comparing signed and unsigned values.
-tells us that warning 4018 is already disabled globally from the
-`default_warning_flags` variable in `//build/config/compiler`, and the same
-for 4244. So ignore these.
-Always comment what the warning is. Use your favorite search engine and
-type "vc warning 4267" to look it up. You'll end up with:
-if (is_win) {
-  cflags += [
-    "/wd4267",  # Conversion from size_t to 'type'.
-  ]
-(Use `=` instead of `+=` is you haven't already defined a `cflags` variable.)
-### Mac frameworks
-GN knows to convert `.framework` files in the `libs` list to the right
-thing on Mac. You don't need to specify the directories either. So
-convert this:
-'link_settings': {
-  'libraries': [
-    '$(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework',
-  ],
-to this:
-libs = [ "Accelerate.framework" ]
-### hard_dependency
-GYP code sometimes sets
-  'hard_dependency': 1,
-to indicate that the current target must be build before its dependents.
-GN can deduce this internally, so you can ignore this directive.
-### Allocator
-GYP has `win_use_allocator_shim` and `use_allocator`. In GN, these are
-merged into `use_allocator` which is defined in
-`//build/config/allocator.gni`. _However_ you should almost never need
-to use this flag. The `//base/allocator` target will change depending on
-the current allocator flag, so you can unconditionally depend on this
-target to pick up the current build defaults.
-  ['use_allocator!='none'', {
-    'dependencies': [ '../base/allocator/allocator.gyp:allocator' ]
-  }],
-  ['win_use_allocator_shim==1', {
-    'dependencies': [ '<(allocator_target)' ],
-  }],
-  deps = [ "//base/allocator" ]
-As in GYP, the allocator should only be depended on by executables (and
-tests). Libraries should not set the allocator.
-### optimize: max
-In Gyp:
-'optimize': 'max',
-only affects Windows and will optimize for speed rather than size. To
-get the same behavior in GN, do:
-if (!is_debug && is_win) {
-  configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_optimization" ]
-  configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]
-The `is_win` check is needed because the `optimize_max` config also
-affects Posix systems. Some components might additionally specify `-O2`
-on Posix further optimize, in which case you can remove the `is_win`
-### Protobufs
-proto_library("myproto") {
-  sources = [ "foo.proto" ]
-See the `third_party/protobuf/proto_library.gni` file for full
-documentation and extra flags.
-### Java stuff
-JNI generator in GYP:
-  'target_name': 'foo_headers',
-  'type': 'none',
-  'sources': [ <java files> ]
-  'variables': { 'jni_gen_package': 'foobar' }
-  'includes': [ 'build/jni_generator.gypi' ]
-JNI generator in GN:
-# At top of file:
-if (is_android) {
-  import("//build/config/android/rules.gni")
-# Later:
-if (is_android) {
-  generate_jni("foo_headers") {
-    sources = [ <java files> ]
-    jni_package = "foobar"
-  }
-### Grit
-grit("resources") {
-  source = "my_resources.grd"
-See `src/build/secondary/tools/grit/grit_rule.gni` for more documentation.
-### Mojo
-mojom("mojo_bindings") {
-  sources = [
-    "foo.mojom",
-  ]