blob: 00cd2a32e54ed732776092764fb0a73437d7f0bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tools/gn/visual_studio_utils.h"
#include <vector>
#include "base/md5.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
CompilerOptions::CompilerOptions() = default;
CompilerOptions::~CompilerOptions() = default;
LinkerOptions::LinkerOptions() = default;
LinkerOptions::~LinkerOptions() = default;
std::string MakeGuid(const std::string& entry_path, const std::string& seed) {
std::string str = base::ToUpperASCII(base::MD5String(seed + entry_path));
return '{' + str.substr(0, 8) + '-' + str.substr(8, 4) + '-' +
str.substr(12, 4) + '-' + str.substr(16, 4) + '-' +
str.substr(20, 12) + '}';
#define SetOption(condition, member, value) \
if (condition) { \
options->member = value; \
return; \
#define AppendOption(condition, member, value, separator) \
if (condition) { \
options->member += value + separator; \
return; \
void ParseCompilerOption(const std::string& cflag, CompilerOptions* options) {
if (cflag.size() > 2 && cflag[0] == '/') {
switch (cflag[1]) {
case 'F':
AppendOption(cflag.size() > 3 && cflag[2] == 'I', forced_include_files,
cflag.substr(3), ';') break;
case 'G':
if (cflag[2] == 'S') {
SetOption(cflag.size() == 3, buffer_security_check, "true")
SetOption(cflag.size() == 4 && cflag[3] == '-',
buffer_security_check, "false")
case 'M':
switch (cflag[2]) {
case 'D':
SetOption(cflag.size() == 3, runtime_library, "MultiThreadedDLL")
SetOption(cflag.size() == 4 && cflag[3] == 'd', runtime_library,
"MultiThreadedDebugDLL") break;
case 'T':
SetOption(cflag.size() == 3, runtime_library, "MultiThreaded")
SetOption(cflag.size() == 4 && cflag[3] == 'd', runtime_library,
"MultiThreadedDebug") break;
case 'O':
switch (cflag[2]) {
case '1':
SetOption(cflag.size() == 3, optimization, "MinSpace") break;
case '2':
SetOption(cflag.size() == 3, optimization, "MaxSpeed") break;
case 'd':
SetOption(cflag.size() == 3, optimization, "Disabled") break;
case 'x':
SetOption(cflag.size() == 3, optimization, "Full") break;
case 'T':
// Skip flags that cause treating all source files as C and C++ files.
if (cflag.size() == 3 && (cflag[2] == 'C' || cflag[2] == 'P'))
case 'W':
switch (cflag[2]) {
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
SetOption(cflag.size() == 3, warning_level,
std::string("Level") + cflag[2]) break;
case 'X':
SetOption(cflag.size() == 3, treat_warning_as_error, "true") break;
case 'w':
AppendOption(cflag.size() > 3 && cflag[2] == 'd',
disable_specific_warnings, cflag.substr(3), ';') break;
// Put everything else into additional_options.
options->additional_options += cflag + ' ';
// Parses |ldflags| value and stores it in |options|.
void ParseLinkerOption(const std::string& ldflag, LinkerOptions* options) {
const char kSubsytemPrefix[] = "/SUBSYSTEM:";
if (base::StartsWith(ldflag, kSubsytemPrefix, base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)) {
const std::string subsystem(
ldflag.begin() + std::string(kSubsytemPrefix).length(), ldflag.end());
const std::vector<std::string> tokens = base::SplitString(
subsystem, ",", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_NONEMPTY);
if (!tokens.empty())
options->subsystem = tokens[0];