blob: 77b9bbcea8fb78593990d148eb04bb27e39cf1d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string_view>
#include "gn/location.h"
class InputFile;
struct IncludeStringWithLocation {
std::string_view contents;
LocationRange location;
bool system_style_include = false;
// Iterates through #includes in C source and header files.
class CIncludeIterator {
// The InputFile pointed to must outlive this class.
explicit CIncludeIterator(const InputFile* input);
// Fills in the string with the contents of the next include, and the
// location with where it came from, and returns true, or returns false if
// there are no more includes.
bool GetNextIncludeString(IncludeStringWithLocation* include);
// Maximum numbef of non-includes we'll tolerate before giving up. This does
// not count comments or preprocessor.
static const int kMaxNonIncludeLines;
// Returns false on EOF, otherwise fills in the given line and the one-based
// line number into *line_number;
bool GetNextLine(std::string_view* line, int* line_number);
const InputFile* input_file_;
// This just points into input_file_.contents() for convenience.
std::string_view file_;
// 0-based offset into the file.
size_t offset_ = 0;
int line_number_ = 0; // One-based. Indicates the last line we read.
// Number of lines we've processed since seeing the last include (or the
// beginning of the file) with some exceptions.
int lines_since_last_include_ = 0;
CIncludeIterator(const CIncludeIterator&) = delete;
CIncludeIterator& operator=(const CIncludeIterator&) = delete;