blob: 7c3e79f103f693ab11ae455a3b47f775b2794ef9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gn/resolved_target_data.h"
#include "gn/config_values_extractors.h"
ResolvedTargetData::TargetInfo* ResolvedTargetData::GetTargetInfo(
const Target* target) const {
auto ret = targets_.PushBackWithIndex(target);
if (ret.first) {
return infos_[ret.second].get();
void ResolvedTargetData::ComputeLibInfo(TargetInfo* info) const {
UniqueVector<SourceDir> all_lib_dirs;
UniqueVector<LibFile> all_libs;
for (ConfigValuesIterator iter(info->target); !iter.done(); iter.Next()) {
const ConfigValues& cur = iter.cur();
for (const Target* dep : info->deps.linked_deps()) {
if (!dep->IsFinal() || dep->output_type() == Target::STATIC_LIBRARY) {
const TargetInfo* dep_info = GetTargetLibInfo(dep);
info->lib_dirs = all_lib_dirs.release();
info->libs = all_libs.release();
info->has_lib_info = true;
void ResolvedTargetData::ComputeFrameworkInfo(TargetInfo* info) const {
UniqueVector<SourceDir> all_framework_dirs;
UniqueVector<std::string> all_frameworks;
UniqueVector<std::string> all_weak_frameworks;
for (ConfigValuesIterator iter(info->target); !iter.done(); iter.Next()) {
const ConfigValues& cur = iter.cur();
for (const Target* dep : info->deps.linked_deps()) {
if (!dep->IsFinal() || dep->output_type() == Target::STATIC_LIBRARY) {
const TargetInfo* dep_info = GetTargetFrameworkInfo(dep);
info->framework_dirs = all_framework_dirs.release();
info->frameworks = all_frameworks.release();
info->weak_frameworks = all_weak_frameworks.release();
info->has_framework_info = true;
void ResolvedTargetData::ComputeHardDeps(TargetInfo* info) const {
TargetSet all_hard_deps;
for (const Target* dep : info->deps.linked_deps()) {
// Direct hard dependencies
if (info->target->hard_dep() || dep->hard_dep()) {
// If |dep| is binary target and |dep| has no public header,
// |this| target does not need to have |dep|'s hard_deps as its
// hard_deps to start compiles earlier. Unless the target compiles a
// Swift module (since they also generate a header that can be used
// by the current target).
if (dep->IsBinary() && !dep->all_headers_public() &&
dep->public_headers().empty() && !dep->builds_swift_module()) {
// Recursive hard dependencies of all dependencies.
const TargetInfo* dep_info = GetTargetHardDeps(dep);
info->hard_deps = std::move(all_hard_deps);
info->has_hard_deps = true;
void ResolvedTargetData::ComputeInheritedLibs(TargetInfo* info) const {
TargetPublicPairListBuilder inherited_libraries;
ComputeInheritedLibsFor(info->deps.public_deps(), true, &inherited_libraries);
ComputeInheritedLibsFor(info->deps.private_deps(), false,
info->inherited_libs = inherited_libraries.Build();
info->has_inherited_libs = true;
void ResolvedTargetData::ComputeInheritedLibsFor(
base::span<const Target*> deps,
bool is_public,
TargetPublicPairListBuilder* inherited_libraries) const {
for (const Target* dep : deps) {
// Direct dependent libraries.
if (dep->output_type() == Target::STATIC_LIBRARY ||
dep->output_type() == Target::SHARED_LIBRARY ||
dep->output_type() == Target::RUST_LIBRARY ||
dep->output_type() == Target::SOURCE_SET ||
(dep->output_type() == Target::CREATE_BUNDLE &&
dep->bundle_data().is_framework())) {
inherited_libraries->Append(dep, is_public);
if (dep->output_type() == Target::SHARED_LIBRARY) {
// Shared library dependendencies are inherited across public shared
// library boundaries.
// In this case:
// The EXE will also link to to FINAL_SHLIB. The public dependency means
// that the EXE can use the headers in FINAL_SHLIB so the FINAL_SHLIB
// will need to appear on EXE's link line.
// However, if the dependency is private:
// the dependency will not be propagated because INTERMEDIATE_SHLIB is
// not granting permission to call functions from FINAL_SHLIB. If EXE
// wants to use functions (and link to) FINAL_SHLIB, it will need to do
// so explicitly.
// Static libraries and source sets aren't inherited across shared
// library boundaries because they will be linked into the shared
// library. Rust dylib deps are handled above and transitive deps are
// resolved by the compiler.
const TargetInfo* dep_info = GetTargetInheritedLibs(dep);
for (const auto& pair : dep_info->inherited_libs) {
if (>output_type() == Target::SHARED_LIBRARY &&
pair.is_public()) {
inherited_libraries->Append(, is_public);
} else if (!dep->IsFinal()) {
// The current target isn't linked, so propagate linked deps and
// libraries up the dependency tree.
const TargetInfo* dep_info = GetTargetInheritedLibs(dep);
for (const auto& pair : dep_info->inherited_libs) {
// Proc macros are not linked into targets that depend on them, so do
// not get inherited; they are consumed by the Rust compiler and only
// need to be specified in --extern.
if (>output_type() != Target::RUST_PROC_MACRO)
is_public && pair.is_public());
} else if (dep->complete_static_lib()) {
// Inherit only final targets through _complete_ static libraries.
// Inherited final libraries aren't linked into complete static
// libraries. They are forwarded here so that targets that depend on
// complete static libraries can link them in. Conversely, since
// complete static libraries link in non-final targets, they shouldn't be
// inherited.
const TargetInfo* dep_info = GetTargetInheritedLibs(dep);
for (const auto& pair : dep_info->inherited_libs) {
if (>IsFinal())
is_public && pair.is_public());
void ResolvedTargetData::ComputeRustLibs(TargetInfo* info) const {
RustLibsBuilder rust_libs;
ComputeRustLibsFor(info->deps.public_deps(), true, &rust_libs);
ComputeRustLibsFor(info->deps.private_deps(), false, &rust_libs);
info->rust_inherited_libs = rust_libs.inherited.Build();
info->rust_inheritable_libs = rust_libs.inheritable.Build();
info->has_rust_libs = true;
void ResolvedTargetData::ComputeRustLibsFor(base::span<const Target*> deps,
bool is_public,
RustLibsBuilder* rust_libs) const {
for (const Target* dep : deps) {
// Collect Rust libraries that are accessible from the current target, or
// transitively part of the current target.
if (dep->output_type() == Target::STATIC_LIBRARY ||
dep->output_type() == Target::SHARED_LIBRARY ||
dep->output_type() == Target::SOURCE_SET ||
dep->output_type() == Target::RUST_LIBRARY ||
dep->output_type() == Target::GROUP) {
// Here we have: `this` --[depends-on]--> `dep`
// The `this` target has direct access to `dep` since its a direct
// dependency, regardless of the edge being a public_dep or not, so we
// pass true for public-ness. Whereas, anything depending on `this` can
// only gain direct access to `dep` if the edge between `this` and `dep`
// is public, so we pass `is_public`.
// TODO(danakj): We should only need to track Rust rlibs or dylibs here,
// as it's used for passing to rustc with --extern. We currently track
// everything then drop non-Rust libs in
rust_libs->inherited.Append(dep, true);
rust_libs->inheritable.Append(dep, is_public);
const TargetInfo* dep_info = GetTargetRustLibs(dep);
} else if (dep->output_type() == Target::RUST_PROC_MACRO) {
// Proc-macros are inherited as a transitive dependency, but the things
// they depend on can't be used elsewhere, as the proc macro is not
// linked into the target (as it's only used during compilation).
rust_libs->inherited.Append(dep, true);
rust_libs->inheritable.Append(dep, is_public);
void ResolvedTargetData::ComputeSwiftValues(TargetInfo* info) const {
UniqueVector<const Target*> modules;
UniqueVector<const Target*> public_modules;
const Target* target = info->target;
for (const Target* dep : info->deps.public_deps()) {
if (dep->toolchain() != target->toolchain() &&
!dep->toolchain()->propagates_configs()) {
const TargetInfo* dep_info = GetTargetSwiftValues(dep);
if (dep_info->swift_values.get()) {
const auto& public_deps = dep_info->swift_values->public_modules;
for (const Target* dep : info->deps.private_deps()) {
if (dep->toolchain() != target->toolchain() &&
!dep->toolchain()->propagates_configs()) {
const TargetInfo* dep_info = GetTargetSwiftValues(dep);
if (dep_info->swift_values.get()) {
if (target->builds_swift_module())
if (!modules.empty() || !public_modules.empty()) {
info->swift_values = std::make_unique<TargetInfo::SwiftValues>(
modules.release(), public_modules.release());
info->has_swift_values = true;