blob: 662d8b52ea2b0cb8451a07c385f2e39ea5eaf517 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef TOOLS_GN_ERR_H_
#define TOOLS_GN_ERR_H_
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "gn/label.h"
#include "gn/location.h"
#include "gn/token.h"
class ParseNode;
class Value;
// Result of doing some operation. Check has_error() to see if an error
// occurred.
// An error has a location and a message. Below that, is some optional help
// text to go with the annotation of the location.
// An error can also have sub-errors which are additionally printed out
// below. They can provide additional context.
class Err {
struct ErrInfo {
ErrInfo(const Location& loc, const std::string& msg, const std::string& help)
: location(loc), message(msg), help_text(help) {}
Location location;
Label toolchain_label;
std::vector<LocationRange> ranges;
std::string message;
std::string help_text;
std::vector<Err> sub_errs;
using RangeList = std::vector<LocationRange>;
// Indicates no error.
Err() = default;
// Error at a single point.
Err(const Location& location,
const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help = std::string());
// Error at a given range.
Err(const LocationRange& range,
const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help = std::string());
// Error at a given token.
Err(const Token& token,
const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help_text = std::string());
// Error at a given node.
Err(const ParseNode* node,
const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help_text = std::string());
// Error at a given value.
Err(const Value& value,
const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help_text = std::string());
Err(const Err& other);
Err(Err&& other) = default;
Err& operator=(const Err&);
Err& operator=(Err&&) = default;
bool has_error() const { return !!info_; }
// All getters and setters below require has_error() returns true.
const Location& location() const { return info_->location; }
const std::string& message() const { return info_->message; }
const std::string& help_text() const { return info_->help_text; }
void AppendRange(const LocationRange& range) { info_->ranges.push_back(range); }
const RangeList& ranges() const { return info_->ranges; }
void set_toolchain_label(const Label& toolchain_label) {
info_->toolchain_label = toolchain_label;
void AppendSubErr(const Err& err);
void PrintToStdout() const;
// Prints to standard out but uses a "WARNING" messaging instead of the
// normal "ERROR" messaging. This is a property of the printing system rather
// than of the Err class because there is no expectation that code calling a
// function that take an Err check that the error is nonfatal and continue.
// Generally all Err objects with has_error() set are fatal.
// In some very specific cases code will detect a condition and print a
// nonfatal error to the screen instead of returning it. In these cases, that
// code can decide at printing time whether it will continue (and use this
// method) or not (and use PrintToStdout()).
void PrintNonfatalToStdout() const;
void InternalPrintToStdout(bool is_sub_err, bool is_fatal) const;
std::unique_ptr<ErrInfo> info_; // Non-null indicates error.
#endif // TOOLS_GN_ERR_H_