blob: 8da62d322fbb50c54d9e826cd147a1603d320ffe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gn/ninja_target_command_util.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include "util/build_config.h"
#include "util/test/test.h"
namespace {
// Helper function that uses a "Writer" to format a list of strings and return
// the generated output as a string.
template <typename Writer, typename Item>
std::string FormatWithWriter(Writer writer, std::vector<Item> items) {
std::ostringstream out;
for (const Item& item : items) {
writer(item, out);
return out.str();
// Helper function running to test "Writer" by formatting N "Items" and
// comparing the resulting string to an expected output.
template <typename Writer, typename Item>
void TestWriter(Writer writer,
std::string expected,
std::initializer_list<Item> items) {
std::string formatted =
FormatWithWriter(writer, std::vector<Item>(std::move(items)));
// Manually implement the check and the formatting of the error message to
// see the difference in the error message (by default the error message
// would just be "formatted == expected").
if (formatted != expected) {
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << '"' << expected << "\" == \"" << formatted << '"';
std::string message = stream.str();
::testing::TestResult result(false, message.c_str());
::testing::AssertHelper(__FILE__, __LINE__, result) = ::testing::Message();
} // anonymous namespace
TEST(NinjaTargetCommandUtil, DefineWriter) {
// Escaping is different between Windows and Posix.
#if defined(OS_WIN)
" -DFOO -DBAR=1 \"-DBAZ=\\\"Baz\\\"\"",
" -DFOO -DBAR=1 -DBAZ=\\\"Baz\\\"",
{"FOO", "BAR=1", "BAZ=\"Baz\""});
// Escaping is different between Windows and Posix.
" -DFOO -DBAR=1 \"-DBAZ=\\\"Baz\\\"\"",
{"FOO", "BAR=1", "BAZ=\"Baz\""});
TEST(NinjaTargetCommandUtil, FrameworkDirsWriter) {
PathOutput ninja_path_output(SourceDir("//out"), "", ESCAPE_NINJA_COMMAND);
TestWriter(FrameworkDirsWriter(ninja_path_output, "-F"),
// Escaping is different between Windows and Posix.
#if defined(OS_WIN)
" -F. \"-FPath$ With$ Spaces\"",
" -F. -FPath\\$ With\\$ Spaces",
{SourceDir("//out"), SourceDir("//out/Path With Spaces")});
PathOutput space_path_output(SourceDir("//out"), "", ESCAPE_SPACE);
TestWriter(FrameworkDirsWriter(space_path_output, "-F"),
" -F. -FPath\\ With\\ Spaces",
{SourceDir("//out"), SourceDir("//out/Path With Spaces")});
TEST(NinjaTargetCommandUtil, FrameworksWriter) {
TestWriter(FrameworksWriter("-framework "),
// Escaping is different between Windows and Posix.
#if defined(OS_WIN)
" -framework Foundation -framework \"Name$ With$ Spaces\"",
" -framework Foundation -framework Name\\$ With\\$ Spaces",
{"Foundation.framework", "Name With Spaces.framework"});
TestWriter(FrameworksWriter(ESCAPE_SPACE, "-framework "),
" -framework Foundation -framework Name\\ With\\ Spaces",
{"Foundation.framework", "Name With Spaces.framework"});