blob: 1dad15457e7cbe81767a3768e16f664da7ee7776 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tools/gn/rust_target_generator.h"
#include "tools/gn/config_values_generator.h"
#include "tools/gn/err.h"
#include "tools/gn/filesystem_utils.h"
#include "tools/gn/functions.h"
#include "tools/gn/parse_tree.h"
#include "tools/gn/rust_variables.h"
#include "tools/gn/scope.h"
#include "tools/gn/target.h"
#include "tools/gn/value_extractors.h"
RustTargetGenerator::RustTargetGenerator(Target* target,
Scope* scope,
const FunctionCallNode* function_call,
Err* err)
: TargetGenerator(target, scope, function_call, err) {}
RustTargetGenerator::~RustTargetGenerator() = default;
void RustTargetGenerator::DoRun() {
// source_set targets don't need any special Rust handling.
if (target_->output_type() == Target::SOURCE_SET)
// Check that this type of target is Rust-supported.
if (target_->output_type() != Target::EXECUTABLE &&
target_->output_type() != Target::SHARED_LIBRARY &&
target_->output_type() != Target::RUST_LIBRARY &&
target_->output_type() != Target::STATIC_LIBRARY &&
target_->output_type() != Target::LOADABLE_MODULE) {
// Only valid rust output types.
*err_ = Err(function_call_,
"Target type \"" +
target_->output_type())) +
"\" is not supported for Rust compilation.",
"Supported target types are \"executable\", \"loadable_module\""
"\"shared_library\", \"static_library\", or \"source_set\".");
if (!FillCrateName())
if (!FillCrateType())
if (!FillCrateRoot())
if (!FillEdition())
if (!FillAliasedDeps())
bool RustTargetGenerator::FillCrateName() {
const Value* value = scope_->GetValue(variables::kRustCrateName, true);
if (!value) {
// The target name will be used.
target_->rust_values().crate_name() = target_->label().name();
return true;
if (!value->VerifyTypeIs(Value::STRING, err_))
return false;
target_->rust_values().crate_name() = std::move(value->string_value());
return true;
bool RustTargetGenerator::FillCrateType() {
const Value* value = scope_->GetValue(variables::kRustCrateType, true);
if (!value) {
// Non-shared_library targets shouldn't set this, so that's okay.
if (target_->output_type() != Target::SHARED_LIBRARY &&
target_->output_type() != Target::LOADABLE_MODULE)
return true;
// But require shared_library and loadable_module targets to tell us what
// they want.
*err_ = Err(function_call_,
"Must set \"crate_type\" on a Rust \"shared_library\".",
"\"crate_type\" must be one of \"dylib\", \"cdylib\", or "
return false;
if (target_->output_type() != Target::SHARED_LIBRARY &&
target_->output_type() != Target::LOADABLE_MODULE) {
*err_ = Err(
"\"crate_type\" automatically inferred for non-shared Rust targets.",
"Setting it here has no effect.");
return false;
if (!value->VerifyTypeIs(Value::STRING, err_))
return false;
if (value->string_value() == "dylib") {
return true;
if (value->string_value() == "cdylib") {
return true;
if (value->string_value() == "proc-macro") {
return true;
*err_ = Err(value->origin(),
"Inadmissible crate type \"" + value->string_value() + "\".",
"\"crate_type\" must be one of \"dylib\", \"cdylib\", or "
"\"proc-macro\" for a \"shared_library\".");
return false;
bool RustTargetGenerator::FillCrateRoot() {
const Value* value = scope_->GetValue(variables::kRustCrateRoot, true);
if (!value) {
// If there's only one source, use that.
if (target_->sources().size() == 1) {
return true;
// Otherwise, see if "" or "" (as relevant) are in sources.
std::string to_find =
target_->output_type() == Target::EXECUTABLE ? "" : "";
for (auto& source : target_->sources()) {
if (source.GetName() == to_find) {
return true;
*err_ = Err(function_call_, "Missing \"crate_root\" and missing \"" +
to_find + "\" in sources.");
return false;
if (!value->VerifyTypeIs(Value::STRING, err_))
return false;
SourceFile dest;
if (!ExtractRelativeFile(scope_->settings()->build_settings(), *value,
scope_->GetSourceDir(), &dest, err_))
return false;
return true;
bool RustTargetGenerator::FillEdition() {
const Value* value = scope_->GetValue(variables::kRustEdition, true);
if (!value) {
*err_ = Err(function_call_, "Missing \"edition\" in Rust target.");
return false;
if (!value->VerifyTypeIs(Value::STRING, err_))
return false;
target_->rust_values().edition() = std::move(value->string_value());
return true;
bool RustTargetGenerator::FillAliasedDeps() {
const Value* value = scope_->GetValue(variables::kRustAliasedDeps, true);
if (!value)
return true;
if (!value->VerifyTypeIs(Value::SCOPE, err_))
return false;
Scope::KeyValueMap aliased_deps;
for (const auto& pair : aliased_deps) {
Label dep_label =
Label::Resolve(scope_->GetSourceDir(), ToolchainLabelForScope(scope_),
pair.second, err_);
if (err_->has_error())
return false;
// Insert into the aliased_deps map.
target_->rust_values().aliased_deps().insert(std::pair<Label, std::string>(
std::move(dep_label), std::move(pair.first)));
return true;