gn: Use a separate flag for enabling libgnome-keyring support.

Right now, |is_desktop_linux| means GN requires libgnome-keyring to
be present during the build and also at run-time.

Since libgnome-keyring has been deprecated by libsecret, is used by a
small number of users and is not always present on a Linux
distribution (especially embedded ones), it makes sense to introduce a
specific argument, |use_gnome_keyring|, to control whether the code
should be used or not.

At the moment, |use_gnome_keyring| defaults to on under pretty much all
circumstances where checking for |is_desktop_linux| would work before:
it just needs |use_glib| to be on as well, as required by
libgnome-keyring itself.,,,

Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#412246}
Cr-Mirrored-Commit: c4e3e52dff0f5b9dff7167a1564b0e1978d3ea2e
diff --git a/tools/gn/docs/ b/tools/gn/docs/
index a11bc13..7f02e13 100644
--- a/tools/gn/docs/
+++ b/tools/gn/docs/
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
 | `use_dbus` (0/1)                        | `use_dbus` (true/false)                        | `//build/config/features.gni` |
 | `use_gconf` (0/1)                       | `use_gconf` (true/false)                       | `//build/config/features.gni` |
 | `use_glib` (0/1)                        | `is_linux` (true/false)                        | (global)                      |
-| `use_gnome_keyring` (0/1)               | `is_desktop_linux` (true/false)                |                               |
+| `use_gnome_keyring` (0/1)               | `use_gnome_keyring` (true/false)               |                               |
 | `use_goma` (0/1)                        | `use_goma` (true/false)                        | `//build/toolchain/goma.gni`  |
 | `use_nss_certs` (0/1)                   | `use_nss_certs` (true/false)                   | `//build/config/crypto.gni` (Many of these conditions can be deleted, see the "SSL" notes on targets below.) |
 | `use_pango` (0/1)                       | `use_pango` (true/false)                       | `//build/config/ui.gni`       |