Convert gn docstrings to C++11 raw strings.

This makes them more readable and easier to modify.

The documentation was un-indented and re-wrapped to 80 cols which makes it fill out the column on the screen better.

A few tests were updated to use raw strings as well, but converting all of them seemed not worth the effort.

There is a documentation fix in the set_defaults (added [] around the configs in the example), and an obsolete line in the group documentation was removed ("exactly like depending on its deps).

Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#430679}
Cr-Mirrored-Commit: 085a9b2a0cc2ae534c775012b1f09bf83b1c9041
38 files changed
tree: 780bed6ec910f24df52d6274c721e1b14b8dd602
  1. tools/