| # Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import("//build/config/jumbo.gni") |
| import("//testing/test.gni") |
| import("//testing/libfuzzer/fuzzer_test.gni") |
| |
| jumbo_static_library("gn_lib") { |
| configs += [ "//build/config:precompiled_headers" ] |
| |
| sources = [ |
| "action_target_generator.cc", |
| "action_target_generator.h", |
| "action_values.cc", |
| "action_values.h", |
| "analyzer.cc", |
| "analyzer.h", |
| "args.cc", |
| "args.h", |
| "binary_target_generator.cc", |
| "binary_target_generator.h", |
| "build_settings.cc", |
| "build_settings.h", |
| "builder.cc", |
| "builder.h", |
| "builder_record.cc", |
| "builder_record.h", |
| "bundle_data.cc", |
| "bundle_data.h", |
| "bundle_data_target_generator.cc", |
| "bundle_data_target_generator.h", |
| "bundle_file_rule.cc", |
| "bundle_file_rule.h", |
| "c_include_iterator.cc", |
| "c_include_iterator.h", |
| "command_analyze.cc", |
| "command_args.cc", |
| "command_check.cc", |
| "command_clean.cc", |
| "command_desc.cc", |
| "command_format.cc", |
| "command_format.h", |
| "command_gen.cc", |
| "command_help.cc", |
| "command_ls.cc", |
| "command_path.cc", |
| "command_refs.cc", |
| "commands.cc", |
| "commands.h", |
| "config.cc", |
| "config.h", |
| "config_values.cc", |
| "config_values.h", |
| "config_values_extractors.cc", |
| "config_values_extractors.h", |
| "config_values_generator.cc", |
| "config_values_generator.h", |
| "copy_target_generator.cc", |
| "copy_target_generator.h", |
| "create_bundle_target_generator.cc", |
| "create_bundle_target_generator.h", |
| "deps_iterator.cc", |
| "deps_iterator.h", |
| "desc_builder.cc", |
| "desc_builder.h", |
| "eclipse_writer.cc", |
| "eclipse_writer.h", |
| "err.cc", |
| "err.h", |
| "escape.cc", |
| "escape.h", |
| "exec_process.cc", |
| "exec_process.h", |
| "filesystem_utils.cc", |
| "filesystem_utils.h", |
| "function_exec_script.cc", |
| "function_foreach.cc", |
| "function_forward_variables_from.cc", |
| "function_get_label_info.cc", |
| "function_get_path_info.cc", |
| "function_get_target_outputs.cc", |
| "function_process_file_template.cc", |
| "function_read_file.cc", |
| "function_rebase_path.cc", |
| "function_set_default_toolchain.cc", |
| "function_set_defaults.cc", |
| "function_template.cc", |
| "function_toolchain.cc", |
| "function_write_file.cc", |
| "functions.cc", |
| "functions.h", |
| "functions_target.cc", |
| "group_target_generator.cc", |
| "group_target_generator.h", |
| "header_checker.cc", |
| "header_checker.h", |
| "import_manager.cc", |
| "import_manager.h", |
| "inherited_libraries.cc", |
| "inherited_libraries.h", |
| "input_conversion.cc", |
| "input_conversion.h", |
| "input_file.cc", |
| "input_file.h", |
| "input_file_manager.cc", |
| "input_file_manager.h", |
| "item.cc", |
| "item.h", |
| "json_project_writer.cc", |
| "json_project_writer.h", |
| "label.cc", |
| "label.h", |
| "label_pattern.cc", |
| "label_pattern.h", |
| "label_ptr.h", |
| "lib_file.cc", |
| "lib_file.h", |
| "loader.cc", |
| "loader.h", |
| "location.cc", |
| "location.h", |
| "ninja_action_target_writer.cc", |
| "ninja_action_target_writer.h", |
| "ninja_binary_target_writer.cc", |
| "ninja_binary_target_writer.h", |
| "ninja_build_writer.cc", |
| "ninja_build_writer.h", |
| "ninja_bundle_data_target_writer.cc", |
| "ninja_bundle_data_target_writer.h", |
| "ninja_copy_target_writer.cc", |
| "ninja_copy_target_writer.h", |
| "ninja_create_bundle_target_writer.cc", |
| "ninja_create_bundle_target_writer.h", |
| "ninja_group_target_writer.cc", |
| "ninja_group_target_writer.h", |
| "ninja_target_writer.cc", |
| "ninja_target_writer.h", |
| "ninja_toolchain_writer.cc", |
| "ninja_toolchain_writer.h", |
| "ninja_utils.cc", |
| "ninja_utils.h", |
| "ninja_writer.cc", |
| "ninja_writer.h", |
| "operators.cc", |
| "operators.h", |
| "output_file.cc", |
| "output_file.h", |
| "parse_node_value_adapter.cc", |
| "parse_node_value_adapter.h", |
| "parse_tree.cc", |
| "parse_tree.h", |
| "parser.cc", |
| "parser.h", |
| "path_output.cc", |
| "path_output.h", |
| "pattern.cc", |
| "pattern.h", |
| "pool.cc", |
| "pool.h", |
| "qt_creator_writer.cc", |
| "qt_creator_writer.h", |
| "runtime_deps.cc", |
| "runtime_deps.h", |
| "scheduler.cc", |
| "scheduler.h", |
| "scope.cc", |
| "scope.h", |
| "scope_per_file_provider.cc", |
| "scope_per_file_provider.h", |
| "settings.cc", |
| "settings.h", |
| "setup.cc", |
| "setup.h", |
| "source_dir.cc", |
| "source_dir.h", |
| "source_file.cc", |
| "source_file.h", |
| "source_file_type.cc", |
| "source_file_type.h", |
| "standard_out.cc", |
| "standard_out.h", |
| "string_utils.cc", |
| "string_utils.h", |
| "substitution_list.cc", |
| "substitution_list.h", |
| "substitution_pattern.cc", |
| "substitution_pattern.h", |
| "substitution_type.cc", |
| "substitution_type.h", |
| "substitution_writer.cc", |
| "substitution_writer.h", |
| "switches.cc", |
| "switches.h", |
| "target.cc", |
| "target.h", |
| "target_generator.cc", |
| "target_generator.h", |
| "template.cc", |
| "template.h", |
| "token.cc", |
| "token.h", |
| "tokenizer.cc", |
| "tokenizer.h", |
| "tool.cc", |
| "tool.h", |
| "toolchain.cc", |
| "toolchain.h", |
| "trace.cc", |
| "trace.h", |
| "unique_vector.h", |
| "value.cc", |
| "value.h", |
| "value_extractors.cc", |
| "value_extractors.h", |
| "variables.cc", |
| "variables.h", |
| "visibility.cc", |
| "visibility.h", |
| "visual_studio_utils.cc", |
| "visual_studio_utils.h", |
| "visual_studio_writer.cc", |
| "visual_studio_writer.h", |
| "xcode_object.cc", |
| "xcode_object.h", |
| "xcode_writer.cc", |
| "xcode_writer.h", |
| "xml_element_writer.cc", |
| "xml_element_writer.h", |
| ] |
| |
| deps = [ |
| "//base", |
| "//base/third_party/dynamic_annotations", |
| ] |
| } |
| |
| action("last_commit_position") { |
| script = "last_commit_position.py" |
| |
| # This dependency forces a re-run when the code is synced. |
| inputs = [ |
| "//build/util/LASTCHANGE", |
| ] |
| |
| outfile = "$target_gen_dir/last_commit_position.h" |
| outputs = [ |
| outfile, |
| ] |
| |
| args = [ |
| rebase_path("//", root_build_dir), |
| rebase_path(outfile, root_build_dir), |
| ] |
| } |
| |
| # Note for Windows debugging: GN is super-multithreaded and uses a lot of STL. |
| # Iterator debugging on Windows does locking for every access, which ends up |
| # slowing down debug runtime from 0:36 to 9:40. If you want to run debug builds |
| # of GN over the large Chrome build, you will want to set the arg: |
| # enable_iterator_debugging = false |
| executable("gn") { |
| defines = [ "GN_BUILD" ] |
| sources = [ |
| "gn_main.cc", |
| ] |
| |
| deps = [ |
| ":gn_lib", |
| ":last_commit_position", |
| "//base", |
| "//build/win:default_exe_manifest", |
| ] |
| } |
| |
| test("gn_unittests") { |
| deps = [ |
| ":gn_unittests_sources", |
| ] |
| |
| data = [ |
| "format_test_data/", |
| ] |
| } |
| |
| jumbo_source_set("gn_unittests_sources") { |
| testonly = true |
| |
| sources = [ |
| "action_target_generator_unittest.cc", |
| "analyzer_unittest.cc", |
| "args_unittest.cc", |
| "builder_unittest.cc", |
| "c_include_iterator_unittest.cc", |
| "command_format_unittest.cc", |
| "config_unittest.cc", |
| "config_values_extractors_unittest.cc", |
| "escape_unittest.cc", |
| "exec_process_unittest.cc", |
| "filesystem_utils_unittest.cc", |
| "function_foreach_unittest.cc", |
| "function_forward_variables_from_unittest.cc", |
| "function_get_label_info_unittest.cc", |
| "function_get_path_info_unittest.cc", |
| "function_get_target_outputs_unittest.cc", |
| "function_process_file_template_unittest.cc", |
| "function_rebase_path_unittest.cc", |
| "function_template_unittest.cc", |
| "function_toolchain_unittest.cc", |
| "function_write_file_unittest.cc", |
| "functions_target_unittest.cc", |
| "functions_unittest.cc", |
| "header_checker_unittest.cc", |
| "inherited_libraries_unittest.cc", |
| "input_conversion_unittest.cc", |
| "label_pattern_unittest.cc", |
| "label_unittest.cc", |
| "loader_unittest.cc", |
| "ninja_action_target_writer_unittest.cc", |
| "ninja_binary_target_writer_unittest.cc", |
| "ninja_build_writer_unittest.cc", |
| "ninja_bundle_data_target_writer_unittest.cc", |
| "ninja_copy_target_writer_unittest.cc", |
| "ninja_create_bundle_target_writer_unittest.cc", |
| "ninja_group_target_writer_unittest.cc", |
| "ninja_target_writer_unittest.cc", |
| "ninja_toolchain_writer_unittest.cc", |
| "operators_unittest.cc", |
| "parse_tree_unittest.cc", |
| "parser_unittest.cc", |
| "path_output_unittest.cc", |
| "pattern_unittest.cc", |
| "runtime_deps_unittest.cc", |
| "scope_per_file_provider_unittest.cc", |
| "scope_unittest.cc", |
| "source_dir_unittest.cc", |
| "source_file_unittest.cc", |
| "string_utils_unittest.cc", |
| "substitution_pattern_unittest.cc", |
| "substitution_writer_unittest.cc", |
| "target_unittest.cc", |
| "template_unittest.cc", |
| "test_with_scheduler.cc", |
| "test_with_scheduler.h", |
| "test_with_scope.cc", |
| "test_with_scope.h", |
| "tokenizer_unittest.cc", |
| "unique_vector_unittest.cc", |
| "value_unittest.cc", |
| "visibility_unittest.cc", |
| "visual_studio_utils_unittest.cc", |
| "visual_studio_writer_unittest.cc", |
| "xcode_object_unittest.cc", |
| "xml_element_writer_unittest.cc", |
| ] |
| |
| public_deps = [ |
| ":gn_lib", |
| "//base/test:run_all_unittests", |
| "//base/test:test_support", |
| "//testing/gtest", |
| ] |
| } |
| |
| fuzzer_test("gn_parser_fuzzer") { |
| sources = [ |
| "parser_fuzzer.cc", |
| ] |
| deps = [ |
| ":gn_lib", |
| ] |
| } |