blob: 021ffe32bca215b78f64d1531addee6ad89371db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "tools/gn/commands.h"
#include "tools/gn/setup.h"
#include "tools/gn/standard_out.h"
namespace commands {
namespace {
enum DepType {
// As we do a depth-first search, this vector will store the current path
// the current target for printing when a match is found.
using TargetDep = std::pair<const Target*, DepType>;
using DepStack = std::vector<TargetDep>;
// Note that this uses raw pointers. These need to be manually deleted (which
// we won't normally bother with). This allows the vector to be resized
// more quickly.
using DepStackVector = std::vector<DepStack*>;
using DepSet = base::hash_set<const Target*>;
struct Options {
: all(false),
with_data(false) {
bool all;
bool public_only;
bool with_data;
struct State {
State() : found_count(0) {
// Reserve fairly large buffers for the found vectors.
const size_t kReserveSize = 32768;
// Stores targets that do not have any paths to the destination. This is
// an optimization to avoid revisiting useless paths.
DepSet rejected;
// Total number of paths found.
int found_count;
// The pointers in these vectors are owned by this object, but are
// deliberately leaked. There can be a lot of them which can take a long time
// to free, and GN will just exit after this is used anyway.
DepStackVector found_public;
DepStackVector found_other;
void PrintDepStack(const DepStack& stack) {
// Don't print toolchains unless they differ from the first target.
const Label& default_toolchain = stack[0].first->label().GetToolchainLabel();
for (const auto& pair : stack) {
switch (pair.second) {
case DEP_NONE:
OutputString(" --[public]-->", DECORATION_DIM);
OutputString(" --[private]-->", DECORATION_DIM);
case DEP_DATA:
OutputString(" --[data]-->", DECORATION_DIM);
bool AreAllPublic(const DepStack& stack) {
// Don't check the type of the last one since that doesn't point to anything.
for (size_t i = 0; i < stack.size() - 1; i++) {
if (stack[i].second != DEP_PUBLIC)
return false;
return true;
// Increments *found_count to reflect how many results are found. If print_all
// is not set, only the first result will be printed.
// As an optimization, targets that do not have any paths are added to
// *reject so this function doesn't waste time revisiting them.
void RecursiveFindPath(const Options& options,
State* state,
const Target* current,
const Target* desired,
DepStack* stack) {
if (state->rejected.find(current) != state->rejected.end())
int initial_found_count = state->found_count;
if (current == desired) {
// Found a path.
stack->push_back(TargetDep(current, DEP_NONE));
if (AreAllPublic(*stack))
state->found_public.push_back(new DepStack(*stack));
state->found_other.push_back(new DepStack(*stack));
stack->push_back(TargetDep(current, DEP_PUBLIC));
for (const auto& pair : current->public_deps())
RecursiveFindPath(options, state, pair.ptr, desired, stack);
if (!options.public_only) {
stack->back().second = DEP_PRIVATE;
for (const auto& pair : current->private_deps())
RecursiveFindPath(options, state, pair.ptr, desired, stack);
if (options.with_data) {
stack->back().second = DEP_DATA;
for (const auto& pair : current->data_deps())
RecursiveFindPath(options, state, pair.ptr, desired, stack);
if (state->found_count == initial_found_count)
state->rejected.insert(current); // Eliminated this target.
bool StackLengthLess(const DepStack* a, const DepStack* b) {
return a->size() < b->size();
// Prints one result vector. The vector will be modified.
void PrintResultVector(const Options& options, DepStackVector* result) {
if (!options.all && !result->empty()) {
// Just print the smallest one.
PrintDepStack(**std::min_element(result->begin(), result->end(),
// Print all in order of increasing length.
std::sort(result->begin(), result->end(), &StackLengthLess);
for (const auto& stack : *result)
void PrintResults(const Options& options, State* state) {
PrintResultVector(options, &state->found_public);
// Consider non-public paths only if all paths are requested or there were
// no public paths.
if (state->found_public.empty() || options.all)
PrintResultVector(options, &state->found_other);
} // namespace
const char kPath[] = "path";
const char kPath_HelpShort[] =
"path: Find paths between two targets.";
const char kPath_Help[] =
"gn path <out_dir> <target_one> <target_two>\n"
" Finds paths of dependencies between two targets. Each unique path\n"
" will be printed in one group, and groups will be separate by newlines.\n"
" The two targets can appear in either order: paths will be found going\n"
" in either direction.\n"
" By default, a single path will be printed. If there is a path with\n"
" only public dependencies, the shortest public path will be printed.\n"
" Otherwise, the shortest path using either public or private\n"
" dependencies will be printed. If --with-data is specified, data deps\n"
" will also be considered. If there are multiple shortest paths, an\n"
" arbitrary one will be selected.\n"
" --all\n"
" Prints all paths found rather than just the first one. Public paths\n"
" will be printed first in order of increasing length, followed by\n"
" non-public paths in order of increasing length.\n"
" --public\n"
" Considers only public paths. Can't be used with --with-data.\n"
" --with-data\n"
" Additionally follows data deps. Without this flag, only public and\n"
" private linked deps will be followed. Can't be used with --public.\n"
" gn path out/Default //base //tools/gn\n";
int RunPath(const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
if (args.size() != 3) {
Err(Location(), "You're holding it wrong.",
"Usage: \"gn path <out_dir> <target_one> <target_two>\"")
return 1;
Setup* setup = new Setup;
if (!setup->DoSetup(args[0], false))
return 1;
if (!setup->Run())
return 1;
const Target* target1 = ResolveTargetFromCommandLineString(setup, args[1]);
if (!target1)
return 1;
const Target* target2 = ResolveTargetFromCommandLineString(setup, args[2]);
if (!target2)
return 1;
Options options;
options.all = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch("all");
options.public_only =
options.with_data =
if (options.public_only && options.with_data) {
Err(Location(), "Can't use --public with --with-data for 'gn path'.",
"Your zealous over-use of arguments has inevitably resulted in an "
"invalid\ncombination of flags.").PrintToStdout();
return 1;
// If we don't find a path going "forwards", try the reverse direction. Deps
// can only go in one direction without having a cycle, which will have
// caused a run failure above.
State state;
DepStack stack;
RecursiveFindPath(options, &state, target1, target2, &stack);
if (state.found_count == 0) {
// Need to reset the rejected set for a new invocation since the reverse
// search will revisit the same targets looking for something else.
RecursiveFindPath(options, &state, target2, target1, &stack);
PrintResults(options, &state);
// This string is inserted in the results to annotate whether the result
// is only public or includes data deps or not.
const char* path_annotation = "";
if (options.public_only)
path_annotation = "public ";
else if (!options.with_data)
path_annotation = "non-data ";
if (state.found_count == 0) {
// No results.
"No %spaths found between these two targets.\n", path_annotation),
} else if (state.found_count == 1) {
// Exactly one result.
OutputString(base::StringPrintf("1 %spath found.", path_annotation),
if (!options.public_only) {
if (state.found_public.empty())
OutputString(" It is not public.");
OutputString(" It is public.");
} else {
if (options.all) {
// Showing all paths when there are many.
OutputString(base::StringPrintf("%d unique %spaths found.",
state.found_count, path_annotation),
if (!options.public_only) {
OutputString(base::StringPrintf(" %d of them are public.",
} else {
// Showing one path when there are many.
base::StringPrintf("Showing one of %d unique %spaths.",
state.found_count, path_annotation),
if (!options.public_only) {
OutputString(base::StringPrintf(" %d of them are public.\n",
OutputString("Use --all to print all paths.\n");
return 0;
} // namespace commands