blob: b542fb26fdd083c8c587d1e11f2b3b6ca847cdaa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gn/ninja_target_command_util.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "gn/c_tool.h"
#include "gn/substitution_writer.h"
namespace {
// Returns the language-specific suffix for precompiled header files.
const char* GetPCHLangSuffixForToolType(const char* name) {
if (name == CTool::kCToolCc)
return "c";
if (name == CTool::kCToolCxx)
return "cc";
if (name == CTool::kCToolObjC)
return "m";
if (name == CTool::kCToolObjCxx)
return "mm";
NOTREACHED() << "Not a valid PCH tool type: " << name;
return "";
} // namespace
// Returns the computed name of the Windows .pch file for the given
// tool type. The tool must support precompiled headers.
OutputFile GetWindowsPCHFile(const Target* target, const char* tool_name) {
// Use "obj/{dir}/{target_name}_{lang}.pch" which ends up
// looking like "obj/chrome/browser/browser_cc.pch"
OutputFile ret = GetBuildDirForTargetAsOutputFile(target, BuildDirType::OBJ);
return ret;
void WriteOneFlag(RecursiveWriterConfig config,
const Target* target,
const Substitution* subst_enum,
bool has_precompiled_headers,
const char* tool_name,
const std::vector<std::string>& (ConfigValues::*getter)()
EscapeOptions flag_escape_options,
PathOutput& path_output,
std::ostream& out,
bool write_substitution) {
if (!target->toolchain()->substitution_bits().used.count(subst_enum))
if (write_substitution)
out << subst_enum->ninja_name << " =";
if (has_precompiled_headers) {
const CTool* tool = target->toolchain()->GetToolAsC(tool_name);
if (tool && tool->precompiled_header_type() == CTool::PCH_MSVC) {
// Name the .pch file.
out << " /Fp";
path_output.WriteFile(out, GetWindowsPCHFile(target, tool_name));
// Enables precompiled headers and names the .h file. It's a string
// rather than a file name (so no need to rebase or use path_output).
out << " /Yu" << target->config_values().precompiled_header();
RecursiveTargetConfigStringsToStream(config, target, getter,
flag_escape_options, out);
} else if (tool && tool->precompiled_header_type() == CTool::PCH_GCC) {
// The targets to build the .gch files should omit the -include flag
// below. To accomplish this, each substitution flag is overwritten in
// the target rule and these values are repeated. The -include flag is
// omitted in place of the required -x <header lang> flag for .gch
// targets.
RecursiveTargetConfigStringsToStream(config, target, getter,
flag_escape_options, out);
// Compute the gch file (it will be language-specific).
std::vector<OutputFile> outputs;
GetPCHOutputFiles(target, tool_name, &outputs);
if (!outputs.empty()) {
// Trim the .gch suffix for the -include flag.
// e.g. for gch file foo/bar/target.precompiled.h.gch:
// -include foo/bar/target.precompiled.h
std::string pch_file = outputs[0].value();
pch_file.erase(pch_file.length() - 4);
out << " -include " << pch_file;
} else {
RecursiveTargetConfigStringsToStream(config, target, getter,
flag_escape_options, out);
} else {
RecursiveTargetConfigStringsToStream(config, target, getter,
flag_escape_options, out);
if (write_substitution)
out << std::endl;
void GetPCHOutputFiles(const Target* target,
const char* tool_name,
std::vector<OutputFile>* outputs) {
// Compute the tool. This must use the tool type passed in rather than the
// detected file type of the precompiled source file since the same
// precompiled source file will be used for separate C/C++ compiles.
const CTool* tool = target->toolchain()->GetToolAsC(tool_name);
if (!tool)
target, target->config_values().precompiled_source(), tool->outputs(),
if (outputs->empty())
if (outputs->size() > 1)
outputs->resize(1); // Only link the first output from the compiler tool.
std::string& output_value = (*outputs)[0].value();
size_t extension_offset = FindExtensionOffset(output_value);
if (extension_offset == std::string::npos) {
// No extension found.
DCHECK(extension_offset >= 1);
DCHECK(output_value[extension_offset - 1] == '.');
std::string output_extension;
CTool::PrecompiledHeaderType header_type = tool->precompiled_header_type();
switch (header_type) {
case CTool::PCH_MSVC:
output_extension = GetWindowsPCHObjectExtension(
tool_name, output_value.substr(extension_offset - 1));
case CTool::PCH_GCC:
output_extension = GetGCCPCHOutputExtension(tool_name);
case CTool::PCH_NONE:
NOTREACHED() << "No outputs for no PCH type.";
output_value.replace(extension_offset - 1, std::string::npos,
std::string GetGCCPCHOutputExtension(const char* tool_name) {
const char* lang_suffix = GetPCHLangSuffixForToolType(tool_name);
std::string result = ".";
// For GCC, the output name must have a .gch suffix and be annotated with
// the language type. For example:
// obj/foo/target_name.header.h ->
// obj/foo/target_name.header.h-cc.gch
// In order for the compiler to pick it up, the output name (minus the .gch
// suffix MUST match whatever is passed to the -include flag).
result += "h-";
result += lang_suffix;
result += ".gch";
return result;
std::string GetWindowsPCHObjectExtension(const char* tool_name,
const std::string& obj_extension) {
const char* lang_suffix = GetPCHLangSuffixForToolType(tool_name);
std::string result = ".";
// For MSVC, annotate the obj files with the language type. For example:
// obj/foo/target_name.precompile.obj ->
// obj/foo/
result += lang_suffix;
result += obj_extension;
return result;