blob: 0b040f7f5b29bd627c33e095d3260a7ab26eedce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "tools/gn/action_values.h"
#include "tools/gn/bundle_file_rule.h"
#include "tools/gn/source_dir.h"
#include "tools/gn/source_file.h"
#include "tools/gn/substitution_list.h"
#include "tools/gn/unique_vector.h"
class OutputFile;
class Settings;
class Target;
// Returns true if |source| correspond to the path of a file in an asset
// catalog. If defined |asset_catalog| is set to its path.
// An asset catalog is an OS X bundle with the ".xcassets" extension. It
// contains one directory per assets each of them with the ".imageset"
// extension.
// All asset catalogs are compiled by Xcode into single file as
// part of the creation of an application or framework bundle. BundleData
// emulates this with the "compile_xcassets" tool.
bool IsSourceFileFromAssetCatalog(const SourceFile& source,
SourceFile* asset_catalog);
// BundleData holds the information required by "create_bundle" target.
class BundleData {
using UniqueTargets = UniqueVector<const Target*>;
using SourceFiles = std::vector<SourceFile>;
using OutputFiles = std::vector<OutputFile>;
using BundleFileRules = std::vector<BundleFileRule>;
// Adds a bundle_data target to the recursive collection of all bundle_data
// that the target depends on.
void AddBundleData(const Target* target);
// Called upon resolution of the target owning this instance of BundleData.
// |owning_target| is the owning target.
void OnTargetResolved(Target* owning_target);
// Returns the list of inputs.
void GetSourceFiles(SourceFiles* sources) const;
// Returns the list of outputs.
void GetOutputFiles(const Settings* settings,
OutputFiles* outputs) const;
// Returns the list of outputs as SourceFile.
void GetOutputsAsSourceFiles(
const Settings* settings,
SourceFiles* outputs_as_source) const;
// Returns the path to the compiled asset catalog. Only valid if
// asset_catalog_sources() is not empty.
SourceFile GetCompiledAssetCatalogPath() const;
// Returns the path to the top-level directory of the bundle. This is
// based on root_dir(), but since that can be or
// any other subpath, this is just the most top-level directory (e.g.,
// just
// Note that this is a SourceFile instead of a SourceDir. This is because
// the output of a create_bundle rule is a single logical unit, even though
// it is really a directory containing many outputs. This allows other
// targets to treat the bundle as a single unit, rather than a collection
// of its contents.
SourceFile GetBundleRootDirOutput(const Settings* settings) const;
// Performs GetBundleRootDirOutput but returns the result as a directory.
SourceDir GetBundleRootDirOutputAsDir(const Settings* settings) const;
// Returns the list of inputs for the compilation of the asset catalog.
SourceFiles& asset_catalog_sources() { return asset_catalog_sources_; }
const SourceFiles& asset_catalog_sources() const {
return asset_catalog_sources_;
BundleFileRules& file_rules() { return file_rules_; }
const BundleFileRules& file_rules() const { return file_rules_; }
SourceDir& root_dir() { return root_dir_; }
const SourceDir& root_dir() const { return root_dir_; }
SourceDir& resources_dir() { return resources_dir_; }
const SourceDir& resources_dir() const { return resources_dir_; }
SourceDir& executable_dir() { return executable_dir_; }
const SourceDir& executable_dir() const { return executable_dir_; }
SourceDir& plugins_dir() { return plugins_dir_; }
const SourceDir& plugins_dir() const { return plugins_dir_; }
std::string& product_type() { return product_type_; }
const std::string& product_type() const { return product_type_; }
void set_code_signing_script(const SourceFile& script_file) {
code_signing_script_ = script_file;
const SourceFile& code_signing_script() const { return code_signing_script_; }
std::vector<SourceFile>& code_signing_sources() {
return code_signing_sources_;
const std::vector<SourceFile>& code_signing_sources() const {
return code_signing_sources_;
SubstitutionList& code_signing_outputs() { return code_signing_outputs_; }
const SubstitutionList& code_signing_outputs() const {
return code_signing_outputs_;
SubstitutionList& code_signing_args() { return code_signing_args_; }
const SubstitutionList& code_signing_args() const {
return code_signing_args_;
// Recursive collection of all bundle_data that the target depends on.
const UniqueTargets& bundle_deps() const { return bundle_deps_; }
SourceFiles asset_catalog_sources_;
BundleFileRules file_rules_;
UniqueTargets bundle_deps_;
// All those values are subdirectories relative to root_build_dir, and apart
// from root_dir, they are either equal to root_dir_ or subdirectories of it.
SourceDir root_dir_;
SourceDir resources_dir_;
SourceDir executable_dir_;
SourceDir plugins_dir_;
// This is the target type as known to Xcode. This is only used to generate
// the Xcode project file when using --ide=xcode.
std::string product_type_;
// Holds the values (script name, sources, outputs, script arguments) for the
// code signing step if defined.
SourceFile code_signing_script_;
std::vector<SourceFile> code_signing_sources_;
SubstitutionList code_signing_outputs_;
SubstitutionList code_signing_args_;