blob: e20990e40c21be17e0a6dda1c035fe0f2d4ca079 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/page_allocator.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_alloc_constants.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_bucket.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_direct_map_extent.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_page.h"
namespace base {
namespace internal {
struct PartitionPage;
struct PartitionRootBase;
// An "extent" is a span of consecutive superpages. We link to the partition's
// next extent (if there is one) to the very start of a superpage's metadata
// area.
struct PartitionSuperPageExtentEntry {
PartitionRootBase* root;
char* super_page_base;
char* super_pages_end;
PartitionSuperPageExtentEntry* next;
sizeof(PartitionSuperPageExtentEntry) <= kPageMetadataSize,
"PartitionSuperPageExtentEntry must be able to fit in a metadata slot");
struct BASE_EXPORT PartitionRootBase {
virtual ~PartitionRootBase();
size_t total_size_of_committed_pages = 0;
size_t total_size_of_super_pages = 0;
size_t total_size_of_direct_mapped_pages = 0;
// Invariant: total_size_of_committed_pages <=
// total_size_of_super_pages +
// total_size_of_direct_mapped_pages.
unsigned num_buckets = 0;
unsigned max_allocation = 0;
bool initialized = false;
char* next_super_page = nullptr;
char* next_partition_page = nullptr;
char* next_partition_page_end = nullptr;
PartitionSuperPageExtentEntry* current_extent = nullptr;
PartitionSuperPageExtentEntry* first_extent = nullptr;
PartitionDirectMapExtent* direct_map_list = nullptr;
PartitionPage* global_empty_page_ring[kMaxFreeableSpans] = {};
int16_t global_empty_page_ring_index = 0;
uintptr_t inverted_self = 0;
// Public API
// Allocates out of the given bucket. Properly, this function should probably
// be in PartitionBucket, but because the implementation needs to be inlined
// for performance, and because it needs to inspect PartitionPage,
// it becomes impossible to have it in PartitionBucket as this causes a
// cyclical dependency on PartitionPage function implementations.
// Moving it a layer lower couples PartitionRootBase and PartitionBucket, but
// preserves the layering of the includes.
// Note the matching Free() functions are in PartitionPage.
ALWAYS_INLINE void* AllocFromBucket(PartitionBucket* bucket,
int flags,
size_t size);
ALWAYS_INLINE static bool IsValidPage(PartitionPage* page);
ALWAYS_INLINE static PartitionRootBase* FromPage(PartitionPage* page);
// gOomHandlingFunction is invoked when PartitionAlloc hits OutOfMemory.
static void (*gOomHandlingFunction)();
NOINLINE void OutOfMemory();
ALWAYS_INLINE void IncreaseCommittedPages(size_t len);
ALWAYS_INLINE void DecreaseCommittedPages(size_t len);
ALWAYS_INLINE void DecommitSystemPages(void* address, size_t length);
ALWAYS_INLINE void RecommitSystemPages(void* address, size_t length);
void DecommitEmptyPages();
ALWAYS_INLINE void* PartitionRootBase::AllocFromBucket(PartitionBucket* bucket,
int flags,
size_t size) {
PartitionPage* page = bucket->active_pages_head;
// Check that this page is neither full nor freed.
DCHECK(page->num_allocated_slots >= 0);
void* ret = page->freelist_head;
if (LIKELY(ret != 0)) {
// If these DCHECKs fire, you probably corrupted memory.
// TODO(palmer): See if we can afford to make this a CHECK.
// All large allocations must go through the slow path to correctly
// update the size metadata.
DCHECK(page->get_raw_size() == 0);
internal::PartitionFreelistEntry* new_head =
page->freelist_head = new_head;
} else {
ret = bucket->SlowPathAlloc(this, flags, size);
// TODO(palmer): See if we can afford to make this a CHECK.
DCHECK(!ret ||
if (!ret)
return 0;
// Fill the uninitialized pattern, and write the cookies.
page = PartitionPage::FromPointer(ret);
// TODO(ajwong): Can |page->bucket| ever not be |this|? If not, can this just
// be bucket->slot_size?
size_t new_slot_size = page->bucket->slot_size;
size_t raw_size = page->get_raw_size();
if (raw_size) {
DCHECK(raw_size == size);
new_slot_size = raw_size;
size_t no_cookie_size = PartitionCookieSizeAdjustSubtract(new_slot_size);
char* char_ret = static_cast<char*>(ret);
// The value given to the application is actually just after the cookie.
ret = char_ret + kCookieSize;
// Debug fill region kUninitializedByte and surround it with 2 cookies.
memset(ret, kUninitializedByte, no_cookie_size);
PartitionCookieWriteValue(char_ret + kCookieSize + no_cookie_size);
return ret;
ALWAYS_INLINE bool PartitionRootBase::IsValidPage(PartitionPage* page) {
PartitionRootBase* root = PartitionRootBase::FromPage(page);
return root->inverted_self == ~reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(root);
ALWAYS_INLINE PartitionRootBase* PartitionRootBase::FromPage(
PartitionPage* page) {
PartitionSuperPageExtentEntry* extent_entry =
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(page) & kSystemPageBaseMask);
return extent_entry->root;
ALWAYS_INLINE void PartitionRootBase::IncreaseCommittedPages(size_t len) {
total_size_of_committed_pages += len;
DCHECK(total_size_of_committed_pages <=
total_size_of_super_pages + total_size_of_direct_mapped_pages);
ALWAYS_INLINE void PartitionRootBase::DecreaseCommittedPages(size_t len) {
total_size_of_committed_pages -= len;
DCHECK(total_size_of_committed_pages <=
total_size_of_super_pages + total_size_of_direct_mapped_pages);
ALWAYS_INLINE void PartitionRootBase::DecommitSystemPages(void* address,
size_t length) {
::base::DecommitSystemPages(address, length);
ALWAYS_INLINE void PartitionRootBase::RecommitSystemPages(void* address,
size_t length) {
CHECK(::base::RecommitSystemPages(address, length, PageReadWrite));
} // namespace internal
} // namespace base