blob: b583cfede9fb11780ba55cd9b70d96c596d9bf14 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Tests for"""
import unittest
import perf_device_trigger
class Args(object):
def __init__(self):
self.shards = 1
self.dump_json = ''
self.multiple_trigger_configs = None
self.multiple_dimension_script_verbose = False
class FakeTriggerer(perf_device_trigger.PerfDeviceTriggerer):
def __init__(self, args, swarming_args, files):
self._bot_statuses = []
self._swarming_runs = []
self._files = files
self._temp_file_id = 0
super(FakeTriggerer, self).__init__(args, swarming_args)
def set_files(self, files):
self._files = files
def make_temp_file(self, prefix=None, suffix=None):
result = prefix + str(self._temp_file_id) + suffix
self._temp_file_id += 1
return result
def delete_temp_file(self, temp_file):
def read_json_from_temp_file(self, temp_file):
return self._files[temp_file]
def read_encoded_json_from_temp_file(self, temp_file):
return self._files[temp_file]
def write_json_to_file(self, merged_json, output_file):
self._files[output_file] = merged_json
def run_swarming(self, args, verbose):
del verbose #unused
class UnitTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setup_and_trigger(
self, previous_task_assignment_map, alive_bots, dead_bots):
args = Args()
args.shards = len(previous_task_assignment_map)
args.dump_json = 'output.json'
swarming_args = [
triggerer = FakeTriggerer(args, swarming_args,
self.get_files(args.shards, previous_task_assignment_map,
alive_bots, dead_bots))
return triggerer
def get_files(self, num_shards, previous_task_assignment_map,
alive_bots, dead_bots):
files = {}
file_index = 0
files['base_trigger_dimensions%d.json' % file_index] = (
alive_bots, dead_bots))
file_index = file_index + 1
# Perf device trigger will call swarming n times:
# 1. Once for all eligible bots
# 2. once per shard to determine last bot run
# Shard builders is a list of build ids that represents
# the last build that ran the shard that corresponds to that
# index. If that shard hasn't been run before the entry
# should be an empty string.
for i in xrange(num_shards):
bot_id = previous_task_assignment_map.get(i)
files['base_trigger_dimensions%d.json' % file_index] = (
self.generate_last_task_to_shard_query_response(i, bot_id))
file_index = file_index + 1
for i in xrange(num_shards):
task = {
'base_task_name': 'webgl_conformance_tests',
'request': {
'expiration_secs': 3600,
'properties': {
'execution_timeout_secs': 3600,
'tasks': {
'webgl_conformance_tests on NVIDIA GPU on Windows': {
'task_id': 'f%d' % i,
files['base_trigger_dimensions%d.json' % file_index] = task
file_index = file_index + 1
return files
def generate_last_task_to_shard_query_response(self, shard, bot_id):
if len(bot_id):
# Test both cases where bot_id is present and you have to parse
# out of the tags.
if shard % 2:
return {'items': [{'bot_id': bot_id}]}
return {'items': [{'tags': [('id:%s' % bot_id)]}]}
return {}
def generate_list_of_eligible_bots_query_response(
self, alive_bots, dead_bots):
items = {'items': []}
for bot_id in alive_bots:
{ 'bot_id': ('%s' % bot_id), 'is_dead': False, 'quarantined': False })
is_dead = True
for bot_id in dead_bots:
is_quarantined = (not is_dead)
'bot_id': ('%s' % bot_id),
'is_dead': is_dead,
'quarantined': is_quarantined
is_dead = (not is_dead)
return items
def list_contains_sublist(self, main_list, sub_list):
return any(sub_list == main_list[offset:offset + len(sub_list)]
for offset in xrange(len(main_list) - (len(sub_list) - 1)))
def assert_query_swarming_args(self, triggerer, num_shards):
# Assert the calls to query swarming send the right args
# First call is to get eligible bots and then one query
# per shard
for i in range(num_shards + 1):
self.assertTrue('query' in triggerer._swarming_runs[i])
triggerer._swarming_runs[i], ['-S', 'foo_server']))
triggerer._swarming_runs[i], ['--auth-service-account-json',
def get_triggered_shard_to_bot(self, triggerer, num_shards):
self.assert_query_swarming_args(triggerer, num_shards)
triggered_map = {}
for run in triggerer._swarming_runs:
if not 'trigger' in run:
bot_id = run[(run.index('id') + 1)]
shard = int(run[(run.index('GTEST_SHARD_INDEX') + 1)])
triggered_map[shard] = bot_id
return triggered_map
def test_all_healthy_shards(self):
triggerer = self.setup_and_trigger(
previous_task_assignment_map={0: 'build3', 1: 'build4', 2: 'build5'},
alive_bots=['build3', 'build4', 'build5'],
dead_bots=['build1', 'build2'])
expected_task_assignment = self.get_triggered_shard_to_bot(
triggerer, num_shards=3)
self.assertEquals(len(set(expected_task_assignment.values())), 3)
# All three bots were healthy so we should expect the task assignment to
# stay the same
self.assertEquals(expected_task_assignment.get(0), 'build3')
self.assertEquals(expected_task_assignment.get(1), 'build4')
self.assertEquals(expected_task_assignment.get(2), 'build5')
def test_previously_healthy_now_dead(self):
# Test that it swaps out build1 and build2 that are dead
# for two healthy bots
triggerer = self.setup_and_trigger(
previous_task_assignment_map={0: 'build1', 1: 'build2', 2: 'build3'},
alive_bots=['build3', 'build4', 'build5'],
dead_bots=['build1', 'build2'])
expected_task_assignment = self.get_triggered_shard_to_bot(
triggerer, num_shards=3)
self.assertEquals(len(set(expected_task_assignment.values())), 3)
# The first two should be assigned to one of the unassigned healthy bots
new_healthy_bots = ['build4', 'build5']
self.assertIn(expected_task_assignment.get(0), new_healthy_bots)
self.assertIn(expected_task_assignment.get(1), new_healthy_bots)
self.assertEquals(expected_task_assignment.get(2), 'build3')
def test_not_enough_healthy_bots(self):
triggerer = self.setup_and_trigger(
previous_task_assignment_map= {0: 'build1', 1: 'build2',
2: 'build3', 3: 'build4', 4: 'build5'},
alive_bots=['build3', 'build4', 'build5'],
dead_bots=['build1', 'build2'])
expected_task_assignment = self.get_triggered_shard_to_bot(
triggerer, num_shards=5)
self.assertEquals(len(set(expected_task_assignment.values())), 5)
# We have 5 shards and 5 bots that ran them, but two
# are now dead and there aren't any other healthy bots
# to swap out to. Make sure they still assign to the
# same shards.
self.assertEquals(expected_task_assignment.get(0), 'build1')
self.assertEquals(expected_task_assignment.get(1), 'build2')
self.assertEquals(expected_task_assignment.get(2), 'build3')
self.assertEquals(expected_task_assignment.get(3), 'build4')
self.assertEquals(expected_task_assignment.get(4), 'build5')
def test_not_enough_healthy_bots_shard_not_seen(self):
triggerer = self.setup_and_trigger(
previous_task_assignment_map= {0: 'build1', 1: '',
2: 'build3', 3: 'build4', 4: 'build5'},
alive_bots=['build3', 'build4', 'build5'],
dead_bots=['build1', 'build2'])
expected_task_assignment = self.get_triggered_shard_to_bot(
triggerer, num_shards=5)
self.assertEquals(len(set(expected_task_assignment.values())), 5)
# Not enough healthy bots so make sure shard 0 is still assigned to its
# same dead bot.
self.assertEquals(expected_task_assignment.get(0), 'build1')
# Shard 1 had not been triggered yet, but there weren't enough
# healthy bots. Make sure it got assigned to the other dead bot.
self.assertEquals(expected_task_assignment.get(1), 'build2')
# The rest of the assignments should stay the same.
self.assertEquals(expected_task_assignment.get(2), 'build3')
self.assertEquals(expected_task_assignment.get(3), 'build4')
self.assertEquals(expected_task_assignment.get(4), 'build5')
def test_shards_not_triggered_yet(self):
# First time this configuration has been seen. Choose three
# healthy shards to trigger jobs on
triggerer = self.setup_and_trigger(
previous_task_assignment_map= {0: '', 1: '', 2: ''},
alive_bots=['build3', 'build4', 'build5'],
dead_bots=['build1', 'build2'])
expected_task_assignment = self.get_triggered_shard_to_bot(
triggerer, num_shards=3)
self.assertEquals(len(set(expected_task_assignment.values())), 3)
new_healthy_bots = ['build3', 'build4', 'build5']
self.assertIn(expected_task_assignment.get(0), new_healthy_bots)
self.assertIn(expected_task_assignment.get(1), new_healthy_bots)
self.assertIn(expected_task_assignment.get(2), new_healthy_bots)
if __name__ == '__main__':