blob: 69f69ebe23781e081f26d79f01003780d1a3e201 [file] [log] [blame]
# Auto-generated by lucicfg.
# Do not modify manually.
# For the schema of this file, see Config message:
submit_options {
max_burst: 4
burst_delay {
seconds: 480
config_groups {
name: "gn"
gerrit {
url: ""
projects {
name: "gn"
ref_regexp: "refs/heads/main"
verifiers {
gerrit_cq_ability {
committer_list: "project-gn-committers"
dry_run_access_list: "project-gn-tryjob-access"
tryjob {
builders {
name: "gn/try/linux"
builders {
name: "gn/try/mac"
builders {
name: "gn/try/win"
retry_config {
single_quota: 1
global_quota: 2
failure_weight: 1
transient_failure_weight: 1
timeout_weight: 2