blob: d22adca5c4b5f2d380d1f7167a769e1ec6bb985c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tools/gn/parse_tree.h"
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "tools/gn/functions.h"
#include "tools/gn/operators.h"
#include "tools/gn/scope.h"
#include "tools/gn/string_utils.h"
namespace {
std::tuple<base::StringPiece, base::StringPiece> SplitAtFirst(
base::StringPiece str,
char c) {
if (!str.starts_with("\"") || !str.ends_with("\""))
return std::make_tuple(str, base::StringPiece());
str = str.substr(1, str.length() - 2);
size_t index_of_first = str.find(c);
return std::make_tuple(str.substr(0, index_of_first),
index_of_first != base::StringPiece::npos
? str.substr(index_of_first + 1)
: base::StringPiece());
std::string IndentFor(int value) {
return std::string(value, ' ');
bool IsSortRangeSeparator(const ParseNode* node, const ParseNode* prev) {
// If it's a block comment, or has an attached comment with a blank line
// before it, then we break the range at this point.
return node->AsBlockComment() != nullptr ||
(prev && node->comments() && !node->comments()->before().empty() &&
(node->GetRange().begin().line_number() >
prev->GetRange().end().line_number() +
static_cast<int>(node->comments()->before().size() + 1)));
base::StringPiece GetStringRepresentation(const ParseNode* node) {
DCHECK(node->AsLiteral() || node->AsIdentifier() || node->AsAccessor());
if (node->AsLiteral())
return node->AsLiteral()->value().value();
else if (node->AsIdentifier())
return node->AsIdentifier()->value().value();
else if (node->AsAccessor())
return node->AsAccessor()->base().value();
return base::StringPiece();
} // namespace
Comments::Comments() {
Comments::~Comments() {
void Comments::ReverseSuffix() {
for (int i = 0, j = static_cast<int>(suffix_.size() - 1); i < j; ++i, --j)
std::swap(suffix_[i], suffix_[j]);
ParseNode::ParseNode() {
ParseNode::~ParseNode() {
const AccessorNode* ParseNode::AsAccessor() const { return nullptr; }
const BinaryOpNode* ParseNode::AsBinaryOp() const { return nullptr; }
const BlockCommentNode* ParseNode::AsBlockComment() const { return nullptr; }
const BlockNode* ParseNode::AsBlock() const { return nullptr; }
const ConditionNode* ParseNode::AsConditionNode() const { return nullptr; }
const EndNode* ParseNode::AsEnd() const { return nullptr; }
const FunctionCallNode* ParseNode::AsFunctionCall() const { return nullptr; }
const IdentifierNode* ParseNode::AsIdentifier() const { return nullptr; }
const ListNode* ParseNode::AsList() const { return nullptr; }
const LiteralNode* ParseNode::AsLiteral() const { return nullptr; }
const UnaryOpNode* ParseNode::AsUnaryOp() const { return nullptr; }
Comments* ParseNode::comments_mutable() {
if (!comments_)
comments_.reset(new Comments);
return comments_.get();
void ParseNode::PrintComments(std::ostream& out, int indent) const {
if (comments_) {
std::string ind = IndentFor(indent + 1);
for (const auto& token : comments_->before())
out << ind << "+BEFORE_COMMENT(\"" << token.value() << "\")\n";
for (const auto& token : comments_->suffix())
out << ind << "+SUFFIX_COMMENT(\"" << token.value() << "\")\n";
for (const auto& token : comments_->after())
out << ind << "+AFTER_COMMENT(\"" << token.value() << "\")\n";
// AccessorNode ---------------------------------------------------------------
AccessorNode::AccessorNode() {
AccessorNode::~AccessorNode() {
const AccessorNode* AccessorNode::AsAccessor() const {
return this;
Value AccessorNode::Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const {
if (index_)
return ExecuteArrayAccess(scope, err);
else if (member_)
return ExecuteScopeAccess(scope, err);
return Value();
LocationRange AccessorNode::GetRange() const {
if (index_)
return LocationRange(base_.location(), index_->GetRange().end());
else if (member_)
return LocationRange(base_.location(), member_->GetRange().end());
return LocationRange();
Err AccessorNode::MakeErrorDescribing(const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help) const {
return Err(GetRange(), msg, help);
void AccessorNode::Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const {
out << IndentFor(indent) << "ACCESSOR\n";
PrintComments(out, indent);
out << IndentFor(indent + 1) << base_.value() << "\n";
if (index_)
index_->Print(out, indent + 1);
else if (member_)
member_->Print(out, indent + 1);
Value AccessorNode::ExecuteArrayAccess(Scope* scope, Err* err) const {
Value index_value = index_->Execute(scope, err);
if (err->has_error())
return Value();
if (!index_value.VerifyTypeIs(Value::INTEGER, err))
return Value();
const Value* base_value = scope->GetValue(base_.value(), true);
if (!base_value) {
*err = MakeErrorDescribing("Undefined identifier.");
return Value();
if (!base_value->VerifyTypeIs(Value::LIST, err))
return Value();
int64 index_int = index_value.int_value();
if (index_int < 0) {
*err = Err(index_->GetRange(), "Negative array subscript.",
"You gave me " + base::Int64ToString(index_int) + ".");
return Value();
size_t index_sizet = static_cast<size_t>(index_int);
if (index_sizet >= base_value->list_value().size()) {
*err = Err(index_->GetRange(), "Array subscript out of range.",
"You gave me " + base::Int64ToString(index_int) +
" but I was expecting something from 0 to " +
static_cast<int64>(base_value->list_value().size()) - 1) +
", inclusive.");
return Value();
// Doing this assumes that there's no way in the language to do anything
// between the time the reference is created and the time that the reference
// is used. If there is, this will crash! Currently, this is just used for
// array accesses where this "shouldn't" happen.
return base_value->list_value()[index_sizet];
Value AccessorNode::ExecuteScopeAccess(Scope* scope, Err* err) const {
// We jump through some hoops here since ideally a.b will count "b" as
// accessed in the given scope. The value "a" might be in some normal nested
// scope and we can modify it, but it might also be inherited from the
// readonly root scope and we can't do used variable tracking on it. (It's
// not legal to const cast it away since the root scope will be in readonly
// mode and being accessed from multiple threads without locking.) So this
// code handles both cases.
const Value* result = nullptr;
// Look up the value in the scope named by "base_".
Value* mutable_base_value = scope->GetMutableValue(base_.value(), true);
if (mutable_base_value) {
// Common case: base value is mutable so we can track variable accesses
// for unused value warnings.
if (!mutable_base_value->VerifyTypeIs(Value::SCOPE, err))
return Value();
result = mutable_base_value->scope_value()->GetValue(
member_->value().value(), true);
} else {
// Fall back to see if the value is on a read-only scope.
const Value* const_base_value = scope->GetValue(base_.value(), true);
if (const_base_value) {
// Read only value, don't try to mark the value access as a "used" one.
if (!const_base_value->VerifyTypeIs(Value::SCOPE, err))
return Value();
result =
} else {
*err = Err(base_, "Undefined identifier.");
return Value();
if (!result) {
*err = Err(member_.get(), "No value named \"" +
member_->value().value() + "\" in scope \"" + base_.value() + "\"");
return Value();
return *result;
void AccessorNode::SetNewLocation(int line_number) {
Location old = base_.location();
Location(old.file(), line_number, old.char_offset(), old.byte()));
// BinaryOpNode ---------------------------------------------------------------
BinaryOpNode::BinaryOpNode() {
BinaryOpNode::~BinaryOpNode() {
const BinaryOpNode* BinaryOpNode::AsBinaryOp() const {
return this;
Value BinaryOpNode::Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const {
return ExecuteBinaryOperator(scope, this, left_.get(), right_.get(), err);
LocationRange BinaryOpNode::GetRange() const {
return left_->GetRange().Union(right_->GetRange());
Err BinaryOpNode::MakeErrorDescribing(const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help) const {
return Err(op_, msg, help);
void BinaryOpNode::Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const {
out << IndentFor(indent) << "BINARY(" << op_.value() << ")\n";
PrintComments(out, indent);
left_->Print(out, indent + 1);
right_->Print(out, indent + 1);
// BlockNode ------------------------------------------------------------------
BlockNode::BlockNode() {
BlockNode::~BlockNode() {
STLDeleteContainerPointers(statements_.begin(), statements_.end());
const BlockNode* BlockNode::AsBlock() const {
return this;
Value BlockNode::Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < statements_.size() && !err->has_error(); i++) {
// Check for trying to execute things with no side effects in a block.
const ParseNode* cur = statements_[i];
if (cur->AsList() || cur->AsLiteral() || cur->AsUnaryOp() ||
cur->AsIdentifier()) {
*err = cur->MakeErrorDescribing(
"This statement has no effect.",
"Either delete it or do something with the result.");
return Value();
cur->Execute(scope, err);
return Value();
LocationRange BlockNode::GetRange() const {
if (begin_token_.type() != Token::INVALID &&
end_->value().type() != Token::INVALID) {
return begin_token_.range().Union(end_->value().range());
} else if (!statements_.empty()) {
return statements_[0]->GetRange().Union(
statements_[statements_.size() - 1]->GetRange());
return LocationRange();
Err BlockNode::MakeErrorDescribing(const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help) const {
return Err(GetRange(), msg, help);
void BlockNode::Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const {
out << IndentFor(indent) << "BLOCK\n";
PrintComments(out, indent);
for (const auto& statement : statements_)
statement->Print(out, indent + 1);
if (end_ && end_->comments())
end_->Print(out, indent + 1);
// ConditionNode --------------------------------------------------------------
ConditionNode::ConditionNode() {
ConditionNode::~ConditionNode() {
const ConditionNode* ConditionNode::AsConditionNode() const {
return this;
Value ConditionNode::Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const {
Value condition_result = condition_->Execute(scope, err);
if (err->has_error())
return Value();
if (condition_result.type() != Value::BOOLEAN) {
*err = condition_->MakeErrorDescribing(
"Condition does not evaluate to a boolean value.",
std::string("This is a value of type \"") +
Value::DescribeType(condition_result.type()) +
"\" instead.");
return Value();
if (condition_result.boolean_value()) {
if_true_->Execute(scope, err);
} else if (if_false_) {
// The else block is optional.
if_false_->Execute(scope, err);
return Value();
LocationRange ConditionNode::GetRange() const {
if (if_false_)
return if_token_.range().Union(if_false_->GetRange());
return if_token_.range().Union(if_true_->GetRange());
Err ConditionNode::MakeErrorDescribing(const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help) const {
return Err(if_token_, msg, help);
void ConditionNode::Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const {
out << IndentFor(indent) << "CONDITION\n";
PrintComments(out, indent);
condition_->Print(out, indent + 1);
if_true_->Print(out, indent + 1);
if (if_false_)
if_false_->Print(out, indent + 1);
// FunctionCallNode -----------------------------------------------------------
FunctionCallNode::FunctionCallNode() {
FunctionCallNode::~FunctionCallNode() {
const FunctionCallNode* FunctionCallNode::AsFunctionCall() const {
return this;
Value FunctionCallNode::Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const {
return functions::RunFunction(scope, this, args_.get(), block_.get(), err);
LocationRange FunctionCallNode::GetRange() const {
if (function_.type() == Token::INVALID)
return LocationRange(); // This will be null in some tests.
if (block_)
return function_.range().Union(block_->GetRange());
return function_.range().Union(args_->GetRange());
Err FunctionCallNode::MakeErrorDescribing(const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help) const {
return Err(function_, msg, help);
void FunctionCallNode::Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const {
out << IndentFor(indent) << "FUNCTION(" << function_.value() << ")\n";
PrintComments(out, indent);
args_->Print(out, indent + 1);
if (block_)
block_->Print(out, indent + 1);
// IdentifierNode --------------------------------------------------------------
IdentifierNode::IdentifierNode() {
IdentifierNode::IdentifierNode(const Token& token) : value_(token) {
IdentifierNode::~IdentifierNode() {
const IdentifierNode* IdentifierNode::AsIdentifier() const {
return this;
Value IdentifierNode::Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const {
const Value* value = scope->GetValue(value_.value(), true);
Value result;
if (!value) {
*err = MakeErrorDescribing("Undefined identifier");
return result;
result = *value;
return result;
LocationRange IdentifierNode::GetRange() const {
return value_.range();
Err IdentifierNode::MakeErrorDescribing(const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help) const {
return Err(value_, msg, help);
void IdentifierNode::Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const {
out << IndentFor(indent) << "IDENTIFIER(" << value_.value() << ")\n";
PrintComments(out, indent);
void IdentifierNode::SetNewLocation(int line_number) {
Location old = value_.location();
Location(old.file(), line_number, old.char_offset(), old.byte()));
// ListNode -------------------------------------------------------------------
ListNode::ListNode() : prefer_multiline_(false) {
ListNode::~ListNode() {
STLDeleteContainerPointers(contents_.begin(), contents_.end());
const ListNode* ListNode::AsList() const {
return this;
Value ListNode::Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const {
Value result_value(this, Value::LIST);
std::vector<Value>& results = result_value.list_value();
for (const auto& cur : contents_) {
if (cur->AsBlockComment())
results.push_back(cur->Execute(scope, err));
if (err->has_error())
return Value();
if (results.back().type() == Value::NONE) {
*err = cur->MakeErrorDescribing(
"This does not evaluate to a value.",
"I can't do something with nothing.");
return Value();
return result_value;
LocationRange ListNode::GetRange() const {
return LocationRange(begin_token_.location(),
Err ListNode::MakeErrorDescribing(const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help) const {
return Err(begin_token_, msg, help);
void ListNode::Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const {
out << IndentFor(indent) << "LIST" << (prefer_multiline_ ? " multiline" : "")
<< "\n";
PrintComments(out, indent);
for (const auto& cur : contents_)
cur->Print(out, indent + 1);
if (end_ && end_->comments())
end_->Print(out, indent + 1);
template <typename Comparator>
void ListNode::SortList(Comparator comparator) {
// Partitions first on BlockCommentNodes and sorts each partition separately.
for (auto sr : GetSortRanges()) {
bool skip = false;
for (size_t i = sr.begin; i != sr.end; ++i) {
// Bails out if any of the nodes are unsupported.
const ParseNode* node = contents_[i];
if (!node->AsLiteral() && !node->AsIdentifier() && !node->AsAccessor()) {
skip = true;
if (skip)
// Save the original line number so that we can re-assign ranges. We assume
// they're contiguous lines because GetSortRanges() does so above. We need
// to re-assign these line numbers primiarily because `gn format` uses them
// to determine whether two nodes were initially separated by a blank line
// or not.
int start_line = contents_[sr.begin]->GetRange().begin().line_number();
const ParseNode* original_first = contents_[sr.begin];
std::sort(contents_.begin() + sr.begin, contents_.begin() + sr.end,
// If the beginning of the range had before comments, and the first node
// moved during the sort, then move its comments to the new head of the
// range.
if (original_first->comments() && contents_[sr.begin] != original_first) {
for (const auto& hc : original_first->comments()->before()) {
const ParseNode* prev = nullptr;
for (size_t i = sr.begin; i != sr.end; ++i) {
const ParseNode* node = contents_[i];
DCHECK(node->AsLiteral() || node->AsIdentifier() || node->AsAccessor());
int line_number =
prev ? prev->GetRange().end().line_number() + 1 : start_line;
if (node->AsLiteral()) {
} else if (node->AsIdentifier()) {
} else if (node->AsAccessor()) {
prev = node;
void ListNode::SortAsStringsList() {
// Sorts alphabetically.
SortList([](const ParseNode* a, const ParseNode* b) {
base::StringPiece astr = GetStringRepresentation(a);
base::StringPiece bstr = GetStringRepresentation(b);
return astr < bstr;
void ListNode::SortAsDepsList() {
// Sorts first relative targets, then absolute, each group is sorted
// alphabetically.
SortList([](const ParseNode* a, const ParseNode* b) {
base::StringPiece astr = GetStringRepresentation(a);
base::StringPiece bstr = GetStringRepresentation(b);
return SplitAtFirst(astr, ':') < SplitAtFirst(bstr, ':');
// Breaks the ParseNodes of |contents| up by ranges that should be separately
// sorted. In particular, we break at a block comment, or an item that has an
// attached "before" comment and is separated by a blank line from the item
// before it. The assumption is that both of these indicate a separate 'section'
// of a sources block across which items should not be inter-sorted.
std::vector<ListNode::SortRange> ListNode::GetSortRanges() const {
std::vector<SortRange> ranges;
const ParseNode* prev = nullptr;
size_t begin = 0;
for (size_t i = begin; i < contents_.size(); prev = contents_[i++]) {
if (IsSortRangeSeparator(contents_[i], prev)) {
if (i > begin) {
ranges.push_back(SortRange(begin, i));
// If |i| is an item with an attached comment, then we start the next
// range at that point, because we want to include it in the sort.
// Otherwise, it's a block comment which we skip over entirely because
// we don't want to move or include it in the sort. The two cases are:
// sources = [
// "a",
// "b",
// #
// # This is a block comment.
// #
// "c",
// "d",
// ]
// which contains 5 elements, and for which the ranges would be { [0,
// 2), [3, 5) } (notably excluding 2, the block comment), and:
// sources = [
// "a",
// "b",
// # This is a header comment.
// "c",
// "d",
// ]
// which contains 4 elements, index 2 containing an attached 'before'
// comments, and the ranges should be { [0, 2), [2, 4) }.
if (!contents_[i]->AsBlockComment())
begin = i;
begin = i + 1;
} else {
// If it was a one item range, just skip over it.
begin = i + 1;
if (begin != contents_.size())
ranges.push_back(SortRange(begin, contents_.size()));
return ranges;
// LiteralNode -----------------------------------------------------------------
LiteralNode::LiteralNode() {
LiteralNode::LiteralNode(const Token& token) : value_(token) {
LiteralNode::~LiteralNode() {
const LiteralNode* LiteralNode::AsLiteral() const {
return this;
Value LiteralNode::Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const {
switch (value_.type()) {
case Token::TRUE_TOKEN:
return Value(this, true);
case Token::FALSE_TOKEN:
return Value(this, false);
case Token::INTEGER: {
base::StringPiece s = value_.value();
if ((s.starts_with("0") && s.size() > 1) || s.starts_with("-0")) {
if (s == "-0")
*err = MakeErrorDescribing("Negative zero doesn't make sense");
*err = MakeErrorDescribing("Leading zeros not allowed");
return Value();
int64 result_int;
if (!base::StringToInt64(s, &result_int)) {
*err = MakeErrorDescribing("This does not look like an integer");
return Value();
return Value(this, result_int);
case Token::STRING: {
Value v(this, Value::STRING);
ExpandStringLiteral(scope, value_, &v, err);
return v;
return Value();
LocationRange LiteralNode::GetRange() const {
return value_.range();
Err LiteralNode::MakeErrorDescribing(const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help) const {
return Err(value_, msg, help);
void LiteralNode::Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const {
out << IndentFor(indent) << "LITERAL(" << value_.value() << ")\n";
PrintComments(out, indent);
void LiteralNode::SetNewLocation(int line_number) {
Location old = value_.location();
Location(old.file(), line_number, old.char_offset(), old.byte()));
// UnaryOpNode ----------------------------------------------------------------
UnaryOpNode::UnaryOpNode() {
UnaryOpNode::~UnaryOpNode() {
const UnaryOpNode* UnaryOpNode::AsUnaryOp() const {
return this;
Value UnaryOpNode::Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const {
Value operand_value = operand_->Execute(scope, err);
if (err->has_error())
return Value();
return ExecuteUnaryOperator(scope, this, operand_value, err);
LocationRange UnaryOpNode::GetRange() const {
return op_.range().Union(operand_->GetRange());
Err UnaryOpNode::MakeErrorDescribing(const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help) const {
return Err(op_, msg, help);
void UnaryOpNode::Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const {
out << IndentFor(indent) << "UNARY(" << op_.value() << ")\n";
PrintComments(out, indent);
operand_->Print(out, indent + 1);
// BlockCommentNode ------------------------------------------------------------
BlockCommentNode::BlockCommentNode() {
BlockCommentNode::~BlockCommentNode() {
const BlockCommentNode* BlockCommentNode::AsBlockComment() const {
return this;
Value BlockCommentNode::Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const {
return Value();
LocationRange BlockCommentNode::GetRange() const {
return comment_.range();
Err BlockCommentNode::MakeErrorDescribing(const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help) const {
return Err(comment_, msg, help);
void BlockCommentNode::Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const {
out << IndentFor(indent) << "BLOCK_COMMENT(" << comment_.value() << ")\n";
PrintComments(out, indent);
// EndNode ---------------------------------------------------------------------
EndNode::EndNode(const Token& token) : value_(token) {
EndNode::~EndNode() {
const EndNode* EndNode::AsEnd() const {
return this;
Value EndNode::Execute(Scope* scope, Err* err) const {
return Value();
LocationRange EndNode::GetRange() const {
return value_.range();
Err EndNode::MakeErrorDescribing(const std::string& msg,
const std::string& help) const {
return Err(value_, msg, help);
void EndNode::Print(std::ostream& out, int indent) const {
out << IndentFor(indent) << "END(" << value_.value() << ")\n";
PrintComments(out, indent);