blob: 7bece4dcaa9961bacef711da6c60995c6270297e [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Given the output of -t commands from a ninja build for a gyp and GN generated
build, report on differences between the command lines.
This script is best used interactively. Here's a recommended setup:
$ PYTHONPATH=tools/gn/bin python
>>> import sys
>>> import pprint
>>> sys.displayhook = pprint.pprint
>>> import gyp_flag_compare as fc
>>> fc.ConfigureBuild(['gyp_define=1', 'define=2'], ['gn_arg=1', 'arg=2'])
>>> chrome = fc.Comparison('chrome')
The above starts interactive Python, sets up the output to be pretty-printed
(useful for making lists, dicts, and sets readable), configures the build with
GN arguments and GYP defines, and then generates a comparison for that build
configuration for the "chrome" target.
After that, the |chrome| object can be used to investigate differences in the
To configure an official build, use this configuration. Disabling NaCl produces
a more meaningful comparison, as certain files need to get compiled twice
for the IRT build, which uses different flags:
>>> fc.ConfigureBuild(
['disable_nacl=1', 'buildtype=Official', 'branding=Chrome'],
['enable_nacl=false', 'is_official_build=true',
import os
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
# Must be in src/.
os.chdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..'))
_GN_OUT_DIR = 'out/gn_flags'
_GYP_OUT_DIR = 'out_gyp_flags/Release'
def ConfigureBuild(gyp_args=[], gn_args=[]):
print >> sys.stderr, 'Regenerating in %s...' % _GN_OUT_DIR
# Currently only Release, non-component.
Run('gn gen %s --args="is_debug=false is_component_build=false %s"' % \
(_GN_OUT_DIR, ' '.join(gn_args)))
os.environ.pop('GYP_DEFINES', None)
# Remove environment variables required by gn but conflicting with GYP.
# Relevant if Windows toolchain isn't provided by depot_tools.
os.environ.pop('GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH', None)
os.environ.pop('WINDOWSSDKDIR', None)
gyp_defines = ''
if len(gyp_args) > 0:
gyp_defines = '-D' + ' -D'.join(gyp_args)
print >> sys.stderr, 'Regenerating in %s...' % _GYP_OUT_DIR
Run('python build/gyp_chromium -Goutput_dir=out_gyp_flags ' + \
'-Gconfig=Release %s' % gyp_defines)
def Counts(dict_of_list):
"""Given a dictionary whose value are lists, returns a dictionary whose values
are the length of the list. This can be used to summarize a dictionary.
return {k: len(v) for k, v in dict_of_list.iteritems()}
def CountsByDirname(dict_of_list):
"""Given a list of files, returns a dict of dirname to counts in that dir."""
r = {}
for path in dict_of_list:
dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
r.setdefault(dirname, 0)
r[dirname] += 1
return r
class Comparison(object):
"""A comparison of the currently-configured build for a target."""
def __init__(self, gyp_target, gn_target=None):
"""Creates a comparison of a GN and GYP target. If the target names differ
between the two build systems, then two names may be passed.
if gn_target is None:
gn_target = gyp_target
self._gyp_target = gyp_target
self._gn_target = gn_target
self._skipped = []
self._total_diffs = 0
self._missing_gyp_flags = {}
self._missing_gn_flags = {}
self._missing_gyp_files = {}
self._missing_gn_files = {}
def gyp_files(self):
"""Returns the set of files that are in the GYP target."""
return set(self._gyp_flags.keys())
def gn_files(self):
"""Returns the set of files that are in the GN target."""
return set(self._gn_flags.keys())
def skipped(self):
"""Returns the list of compiler commands that were not processed during the
return self._skipped
def total_differences(self):
"""Returns the total number of differences detected."""
return self._total_diffs
def missing_in_gyp(self):
"""Differences that are only in GYP build but not in GN, indexed by the
return self._missing_gyp_flags
def missing_in_gn(self):
"""Differences that are only in the GN build but not in GYP, indexed by
the difference."""
return self._missing_gn_flags
def missing_in_gyp_by_file(self):
"""Differences that are only in the GYP build but not in GN, indexed by
return self._missing_gyp_files
def missing_in_gn_by_file(self):
"""Differences that are only in the GYP build but not in GN, indexed by
return self._missing_gn_files
def _CompareFiles(self):
"""Performs the actual target comparison."""
if sys.platform == 'win32':
# On Windows flags are stored in .rsp files which are created by building.
print >> sys.stderr, 'Building in %s...' % _GN_OUT_DIR
Run('ninja -C %s -d keeprsp %s' % (_GN_OUT_DIR, self._gn_target))
print >> sys.stderr, 'Building in %s...' % _GYP_OUT_DIR
Run('ninja -C %s -d keeprsp %s' % (_GYP_OUT_DIR, self._gn_target))
gn = Run('ninja -C %s -t commands %s' % (_GN_OUT_DIR, self._gn_target))
gyp = Run('ninja -C %s -t commands %s' % (_GYP_OUT_DIR, self._gyp_target))
self._gn_flags = self._GetFlags(gn.splitlines(),
os.path.join(os.getcwd(), _GN_OUT_DIR))
self._gyp_flags = self._GetFlags(gyp.splitlines(),
os.path.join(os.getcwd(), _GYP_OUT_DIR))
all_files = sorted(self.gn_files & self.gyp_files)
for filename in all_files:
gyp_flags = self._gyp_flags[filename]
gn_flags = self._gn_flags[filename]
self._CompareLists(filename, gyp_flags, gn_flags, 'dash_f')
self._CompareLists(filename, gyp_flags, gn_flags, 'defines')
self._CompareLists(filename, gyp_flags, gn_flags, 'include_dirs')
self._CompareLists(filename, gyp_flags, gn_flags, 'warnings',
# More conservative warnings in GN we consider to be OK.
'/wd4091', # 'keyword' : ignored on left of 'type' when no variable
# is declared.
'/wd4456', # Declaration hides previous local declaration.
'/wd4457', # Declaration hides function parameter.
'/wd4458', # Declaration hides class member.
'/wd4459', # Declaration hides global declaration.
'/wd4702', # Unreachable code.
'/wd4800', # Forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false'.
'/wd4838', # Conversion from 'type' to 'type' requires a narrowing
# conversion.
] if sys.platform == 'win32' else None,
] if not sys.platform == 'win32' else None)
self._CompareLists(filename, gyp_flags, gn_flags, 'other')
def _CompareLists(self, filename, gyp, gn, name,
dont_care_gyp=None, dont_care_gn=None):
"""Return a report of any differences between gyp and gn lists, ignoring
anything in |dont_care_{gyp|gn}| respectively."""
if gyp[name] == gn[name]:
if not dont_care_gyp:
dont_care_gyp = []
if not dont_care_gn:
dont_care_gn = []
gyp_set = set(gyp[name])
gn_set = set(gn[name])
missing_in_gyp = gyp_set - gn_set
missing_in_gn = gn_set - gyp_set
missing_in_gyp -= set(dont_care_gyp)
missing_in_gn -= set(dont_care_gn)
for m in missing_in_gyp:
self._missing_gyp_flags.setdefault(name, {}) \
.setdefault(m, []).append(filename)
self._total_diffs += 1
self._missing_gyp_files.setdefault(filename, {}) \
.setdefault(name, set()).update(missing_in_gyp)
for m in missing_in_gn:
self._missing_gn_flags.setdefault(name, {}) \
.setdefault(m, []).append(filename)
self._total_diffs += 1
self._missing_gn_files.setdefault(filename, {}) \
.setdefault(name, set()).update(missing_in_gn)
def _GetFlags(self, lines, build_dir):
"""Turn a list of command lines into a semi-structured dict."""
is_win = sys.platform == 'win32'
flags_by_output = {}
for line in lines:
command_line = shlex.split(line.strip(), posix=not is_win)[1:]
output_name = _FindAndRemoveArgWithValue(command_line, '-o')
dep_name = _FindAndRemoveArgWithValue(command_line, '-MF')
command_line = _MergeSpacedArgs(command_line, '-Xclang')
cc_file = [x for x in command_line if x.endswith('.cc') or
x.endswith('.c') or
x.endswith('.cpp') or
x.endswith('.mm') or
if len(cc_file) != 1:
assert len(cc_file) == 1
if is_win:
rsp_file = [x for x in command_line if x.endswith('.rsp')]
assert len(rsp_file) <= 1
if rsp_file:
rsp_file = os.path.join(build_dir, rsp_file[0][1:])
with open(rsp_file, "r") as open_rsp_file:
command_line = shlex.split(open_rsp_file, posix=False)
defines = [x for x in command_line if x.startswith('-D')]
include_dirs = [x for x in command_line if x.startswith('-I')]
dash_f = [x for x in command_line if x.startswith('-f')]
warnings = \
[x for x in command_line if x.startswith('/wd' if is_win else '-W')]
others = [x for x in command_line if x not in defines and \
x not in include_dirs and \
x not in dash_f and \
x not in warnings and \
x not in cc_file]
for index, value in enumerate(include_dirs):
if value == '-Igen':
path = value[2:]
if not os.path.isabs(path):
path = os.path.join(build_dir, path)
include_dirs[index] = '-I' + os.path.normpath(path)
# GYP supports paths above the source root like <(DEPTH)/../foo while such
# paths are unsupported by gn. But gn allows to use system-absolute paths
# instead (paths that start with single '/'). Normalize all paths.
cc_file = [os.path.normpath(os.path.join(build_dir, cc_file[0]))]
# Filter for having a relative path in one and
# absolute path in the other.
others_filtered = []
for x in others:
if x.startswith('-Xclang ') and \
(x.endswith('') or \
'-Xclang ' +
os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.normpath(
os.path.join('out/gn_flags', x.split(' ', 1)[1]))))
elif x.startswith('-B'):
'-B' +
os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.normpath(
os.path.join('out/gn_flags', x[2:]))))
others = others_filtered
flags_by_output[cc_file[0]] = {
'output': output_name,
'depname': dep_name,
'defines': sorted(defines),
'include_dirs': sorted(include_dirs), # TODO(scottmg): This is wrong.
'dash_f': sorted(dash_f),
'warnings': sorted(warnings),
'other': sorted(others),
return flags_by_output
def _FindAndRemoveArgWithValue(command_line, argname):
"""Given a command line as a list, remove and return the value of an option
that takes a value as a separate entry.
Modifies |command_line| in place.
if argname not in command_line:
return ''
location = command_line.index(argname)
value = command_line[location + 1]
command_line[location:location + 2] = []
return value
def _MergeSpacedArgs(command_line, argname):
"""Combine all arguments |argname| with their values, separated by a space."""
i = 0
result = []
while i < len(command_line):
arg = command_line[i]
if arg == argname:
result.append(arg + ' ' + command_line[i + 1])
i += 1
i += 1
return result
def Run(command_line):
"""Run |command_line| as a subprocess and return stdout. Raises on error."""
print >> sys.stderr, command_line
return subprocess.check_output(command_line, shell=True)
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 2 and len(sys.argv) != 3:
print 'usage: %s gyp_target gn_target' % __file__
print ' or: %s target' % __file__
return 1
gyp_target = sys.argv[1]
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
gn_target = gyp_target
gn_target = sys.argv[2]
comparison = Comparison(gyp_target, gn_target)
gyp_files = comparison.gyp_files
gn_files = comparison.gn_files
different_source_list = comparison.gyp_files != comparison.gn_files
if different_source_list:
print 'Different set of sources files:'
print ' In gyp, not in GN:\n %s' % '\n '.join(
sorted(gyp_files - gn_files))
print ' In GN, not in gyp:\n %s' % '\n '.join(
sorted(gn_files - gyp_files))
print '\nNote that flags will only be compared for files in both sets.\n'
differing_files = set(comparison.missing_in_gn_by_file.keys()) & \
files_with_given_differences = {}
for filename in differing_files:
output = ''
missing_in_gyp = comparison.missing_in_gyp_by_file.get(filename, {})
missing_in_gn = comparison.missing_in_gn_by_file.get(filename, {})
difference_types = sorted(set(missing_in_gyp.keys() + missing_in_gn.keys()))
for difference_type in difference_types:
output += ' %s differ:\n' % difference_type
if difference_type in missing_in_gyp:
output += ' In gyp, but not in GN:\n %s' % '\n '.join(
sorted(missing_in_gyp[difference_type])) + '\n'
if difference_type in missing_in_gn:
output += ' In GN, but not in gyp:\n %s' % '\n '.join(
sorted(missing_in_gn[difference_type])) + '\n'
if output:
files_with_given_differences.setdefault(output, []).append(filename)
for diff, files in files_with_given_differences.iteritems():
print '\n'.join(sorted(files))
print diff
print 'Total differences:', comparison.total_differences
# TODO(scottmg): Return failure on difference once we're closer to identical.
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':