blob: ef91f4e1024f9485b1229aa064fe6c7e234f5df9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "gn/ninja_target_writer.h"
class OutputFile;
// Writes a .ninja file for a action target type.
class NinjaActionTargetWriter : public NinjaTargetWriter {
NinjaActionTargetWriter(const Target* target, std::ostream& out);
~NinjaActionTargetWriter() override;
void Run() override;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(NinjaActionTargetWriter, WriteArgsSubstitutions);
// Writes the Ninja rule for invoking the script.
// Returns the name of the custom rule generated. This will be based on the
// target name, and will include the string "$unique_name" if there are
// multiple inputs.
std::string WriteRuleDefinition();
// Writes the rules for compiling each source, writing all output files
// to the given vector.
// input_deps are the dependencies common to all build steps.
void WriteSourceRules(const std::string& custom_rule_name,
const std::vector<OutputFile>& input_deps,
std::vector<OutputFile>* output_files);
// Writes the output files generated by the output template for the given
// source file. This will start with a space and will not include a newline.
// Appends the output files to the given vector.
void WriteOutputFilesForBuildLine(const SourceFile& source,
std::vector<OutputFile>* output_files);
void WriteDepfile(const SourceFile& source);
// Path output writer that doesn't do any escaping or quoting. It does,
// however, convert slashes. Used for
// computing intermediate strings.
PathOutput path_output_no_escaping_;
NinjaActionTargetWriter(const NinjaActionTargetWriter&) = delete;
NinjaActionTargetWriter& operator=(const NinjaActionTargetWriter&) = delete;