blob: d796289a0d0835e180d464ea633ec16bf48914c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <iterator>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "gn/pattern.h"
#include "util/test/test.h"
namespace {
struct Case {
const char* pattern;
const char* candidate;
bool expected_match;
} // namespace
TEST(Pattern, Matches) {
Case pattern_cases[] = {
// Empty pattern matches only empty string.
{"", "", true},
{"", "foo", false},
// Exact matches.
{"foo", "foo", true},
{"foo", "bar", false},
// Path boundaries.
{"\\b", "", true},
{"\\b", "/", true},
{"\\b\\b", "/", true},
{"\\b\\b\\b", "", false},
{"\\b\\b\\b", "/", true},
{"\\b", "//", false},
{"\\bfoo\\b", "foo", true},
{"\\bfoo\\b", "/foo/", true},
{"\\b\\bfoo", "/foo", true},
// *
{"*", "", true},
{"*", "foo", true},
{"*foo", "foo", true},
{"*foo", "gagafoo", true},
{"*foo", "gagafoob", false},
{"foo*bar", "foobar", true},
{"foo*bar", "foo-bar", true},
{"foo*bar", "foolalalalabar", true},
{"foo*bar", "foolalalalabaz", false},
{"*a*b*c*d*", "abcd", true},
{"*a*b*c*d*", "1a2b3c4d5", true},
{"*a*b*c*d*", "1a2b3c45", false},
{"*\\bfoo\\b*", "foo", true},
{"*\\bfoo\\b*", "/foo/", true},
{"*\\bfoo\\b*", "foob", false},
{"*\\bfoo\\b*", "lala/foo/bar/baz", true},
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(pattern_cases); i++) {
const Case& c = pattern_cases[i];
Pattern pattern(c.pattern);
bool result = pattern.MatchesString(c.candidate);
EXPECT_EQ(c.expected_match, result)
<< i << ": \"" << c.pattern << "\", \"" << c.candidate << "\"";