blob: fe0426674be0da3a309e719e3f25a44e6185e634 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "tools/gn/item_tree.h"
#include "tools/gn/scope.h"
#include "tools/gn/source_dir.h"
#include "tools/gn/source_file.h"
#include "tools/gn/target_manager.h"
#include "tools/gn/toolchain_manager.h"
// Settings for one build, which is one toplevel output directory. There
// may be multiple Settings objects that refer to this, one for each toolchain.
class BuildSettings {
typedef base::Callback<void(const Target*)> TargetResolvedCallback;
// Absolute path of the source root on the local system. Everything is
// relative to this.
const base::FilePath& root_path() const { return root_path_; }
void set_root_path(const base::FilePath& r) { root_path_ = r; }
// When nonempty, specifies a parallel directory higherarchy in which to
// search for buildfiles if they're not found in the root higherarchy. This
// allows us to keep buildfiles in a separate tree during development.
const base::FilePath& secondary_source_path() const {
return secondary_source_path_;
void SetSecondarySourcePath(const SourceDir& d);
// Path of the python executable to run scripts with.
base::FilePath python_path() const { return python_path_; }
void set_python_path(const base::FilePath& p) { python_path_ = p; }
const SourceFile& build_config_file() const { return build_config_file_; }
void set_build_config_file(const SourceFile& f) { build_config_file_ = f; }
// The build directory is the root of all output files. The default toolchain
// files go into here, and non-default toolchains will have separate
// toolchain-specific root directories inside this.
const SourceDir& build_dir() const { return build_dir_; }
void SetBuildDir(const SourceDir& dir);
// The inverse of relative_build_dir, ending with a separator.
// Example: relative_build_dir_ = "out/Debug/" this will be "../../"
const std::string& build_to_source_dir_string() const {
return build_to_source_dir_string_;
// These accessors do not return const objects since the resulting objects
// are threadsafe. In this setting, we use constness primarily to ensure
// that the Settings object is used in a threadsafe manner. Although this
// violates the concept of logical constness, that's less important in our
// application, and actually implementing this in a way that preserves
// logical constness is cumbersome.
ItemTree& item_tree() const { return item_tree_; }
TargetManager& target_manager() const { return target_manager_; }
ToolchainManager& toolchain_manager() const { return toolchain_manager_; }
// Returns the full absolute OS path cooresponding to the given file in the
// root source tree.
base::FilePath GetFullPath(const SourceFile& file) const;
base::FilePath GetFullPath(const SourceDir& dir) const;
// Returns the absolute OS path inside the secondary source path. Will return
// an empty FilePath if the secondary source path is empty. When loading a
// buildfile, the GetFullPath should always be consulted first.
base::FilePath GetFullPathSecondary(const SourceFile& file) const;
base::FilePath GetFullPathSecondary(const SourceDir& dir) const;
// This is the callback to execute when a target is marked resolved. If we
// don't need to do anything, this will be null. When a target is resolved,
// this callback should be posted to the scheduler pool so the work is
// distributed properly.
const TargetResolvedCallback& target_resolved_callback() const {
return target_resolved_callback_;
void set_target_resolved_callback(const TargetResolvedCallback& cb) {
target_resolved_callback_ = cb;
base::FilePath root_path_;
base::FilePath secondary_source_path_;
base::FilePath python_path_;
SourceFile build_config_file_;
SourceDir build_dir_;
std::string build_to_source_dir_string_;
TargetResolvedCallback target_resolved_callback_;
// See getters above.
mutable ItemTree item_tree_;
mutable TargetManager target_manager_;
mutable ToolchainManager toolchain_manager_;