blob: 00bdbeece6e8d2a10583b8848da81928b693809f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "tools/gn/escape.h"
#include "tools/gn/source_dir.h"
class OutputFile;
class SourceFile;
// Writes file names to streams assuming a certain input directory and
// escaping rules. This gives us a central place for managing this state.
class PathOutput {
// Controls whether writing directory names include the trailing slash.
// Often we don't want the trailing slash when writing out to a command line,
// especially on Windows where it's a backslash and might be interpreted as
// escaping the thing following it.
enum DirSlashEnding {
PathOutput(const SourceDir& current_dir,
EscapingMode escaping,
bool convert_slashes);
// Read-only since inverse_current_dir_ is computed depending on this.
EscapingMode escaping_mode() const { return options_.mode; }
// When true, converts slashes to the system-type path separators (on
// Windows, this is a backslash, this is a NOP otherwise).
// Read-only since inverse_current_dir_ is computed depending on this.
bool convert_slashes_to_system() const { return options_.convert_slashes; }
// When the output escaping is ESCAPE_SHELL, the escaper will normally put
// quotes around suspect things. If this value is set to true, we'll disable
// the quoting feature. This means that in ESCAPE_SHELL mode, strings with
// spaces in them qon't be quoted. This mode is for when quoting is done at
// some higher-level. Defaults to false.
bool inhibit_quoting() const { return options_.inhibit_quoting; }
void set_inhibit_quoting(bool iq) { options_.inhibit_quoting = iq; }
void WriteFile(std::ostream& out, const SourceFile& file) const;
void WriteFile(std::ostream& out, const OutputFile& file) const;
void WriteDir(std::ostream& out,
const SourceDir& dir,
DirSlashEnding slash_ending) const;
// Backend for WriteFile and WriteDir. This appends the given file or
// directory string to the file.
void WritePathStr(std::ostream& out, const base::StringPiece& str) const;
// Takes the given string and writes it out, appending to the inverse
// current dir. This assumes leading slashes have been trimmed.
void WriteSourceRelativeString(std::ostream& out,
const base::StringPiece& str) const;
SourceDir current_dir_;
// Uses system slashes if convert_slashes_to_system_.
std::string inverse_current_dir_;
// Since the inverse_current_dir_ depends on some of these, we don't expose
// this directly to modification.
EscapeOptions options_;