blob: 28f75fe3f8afca2de467fcb21e2c34087bea3ee1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "gn/item.h"
#include "gn/location.h"
#include "gn/pointer_set.h"
class ParseNode;
// This class is used by the builder to manage the loading of the dependency
// tree. It holds a reference to an item and links to other records that the
// item depends on, both resolved ones, and unresolved ones.
// If a target depends on another one that hasn't been defined yet, we'll make
// a placeholder BuilderRecord with no item, and try to load the buildfile
// associated with the new item. The item will get filled in when we encounter
// the declaration for the item (or when we're done and realize there are
// undefined items).
// You can also have null item pointers when the target is not required for
// the current build (should_generate is false).
class BuilderRecord {
using BuilderRecordSet = PointerSet<BuilderRecord>;
enum ItemType {
BuilderRecord(ItemType type,
const Label& label,
const ParseNode* originally_referenced_from);
ItemType type() const { return type_; }
const Label& label() const { return label_; }
// Returns a user-ready name for the given type. e.g. "target".
static const char* GetNameForType(ItemType type);
// Returns true if the given item is of the given type.
static bool IsItemOfType(const Item* item, ItemType type);
// Returns the type enum for the given item.
static ItemType TypeOfItem(const Item* item);
Item* item() { return item_.get(); }
const Item* item() const { return item_.get(); }
void set_item(std::unique_ptr<Item> item) { item_ = std::move(item); }
// Indicates from where this item was originally referenced from that caused
// it to be loaded. For targets for which we encountered the declaration
// before a reference, this will be the empty range.
const ParseNode* originally_referenced_from() const {
return originally_referenced_from_;
bool should_generate() const { return should_generate_; }
void set_should_generate(bool sg) { should_generate_ = sg; }
bool resolved() const { return resolved_; }
void set_resolved(bool r) { resolved_ = r; }
bool can_resolve() const { return item_ && unresolved_count_ == 0; }
// All records this one is depending on. Note that this includes gen_deps for
// targets, which can have cycles.
BuilderRecordSet& all_deps() { return all_deps_; }
const BuilderRecordSet& all_deps() const { return all_deps_; }
// Return the set of unresolved records this one is depend on.
// This is a subset of all_deps() above.
BuilderRecordSet GetUnresolvedDeps() const;
// Call this method to notify the record that its dependency |dep| was
// just resolved. This returns true to indicate that the current record
// should now be resolved.
bool OnResolvedDep(const BuilderRecord* dep);
// Records that are waiting on this one to be resolved. This is the other
// end of the "unresolved deps" arrow.
BuilderRecordSet& waiting_on_resolution() { return waiting_on_resolution_; }
const BuilderRecordSet& waiting_on_resolution() const {
return waiting_on_resolution_;
void AddGenDep(BuilderRecord* record);
void AddDep(BuilderRecord* record);
ItemType type_;
bool should_generate_ = false;
bool resolved_ = false;
Label label_;
std::unique_ptr<Item> item_;
const ParseNode* originally_referenced_from_ = nullptr;
size_t unresolved_count_ = 0;
BuilderRecordSet all_deps_;
BuilderRecordSet waiting_on_resolution_;
BuilderRecord(const BuilderRecord&) = delete;
BuilderRecord& operator=(const BuilderRecord&) = delete;