blob: cc180988e92c67542025ab48ad33b4eae039b438 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string_view>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "gn/item.h"
#include "gn/label_ptr.h"
#include "gn/scope.h"
#include "gn/substitution_type.h"
#include "gn/tool.h"
#include "gn/value.h"
class BuiltinTool;
// Holds information on a specific toolchain. This data is filled in when we
// encounter a toolchain definition.
// This class is an Item so it can participate in dependency management. In
// particular, when a target uses a toolchain, it should have a dependency on
// that toolchain's object so that we can be sure we loaded the toolchain
// before generating the build for that target.
// Note on threadsafety: The label of the toolchain never changes so can
// safely be accessed from any thread at any time (we do this when asking for
// the toolchain name). But the values in the toolchain do, so these can't
// be accessed until this Item is resolved.
class Toolchain : public Item {
// The Settings of an Item is always the context in which the Item was
// defined. For a toolchain this is confusing because this is NOT the
// settings object that applies to the things in the toolchain.
// To get the Settings object corresponding to objects loaded in the context
// of this toolchain (probably what you want instead), see
// Loader::GetToolchainSettings(). Many toolchain objects may be created in a
// given build, but only a few might be used, and the Loader is in charge of
// this process.
// We also track the set of build files that may affect this target, please
// refer to Scope for how this is determined.
Toolchain(const Settings* settings,
const Label& label,
const SourceFileSet& build_dependency_files = {});
~Toolchain() override;
// Item overrides.
Toolchain* AsToolchain() override;
const Toolchain* AsToolchain() const override;
// Returns null if the tool hasn't been defined.
Tool* GetTool(const char* name);
const Tool* GetTool(const char* name) const;
// Returns null if the tool hasn't been defined or is not the correct type.
GeneralTool* GetToolAsGeneral(const char* name);
const GeneralTool* GetToolAsGeneral(const char* name) const;
CTool* GetToolAsC(const char* name);
const CTool* GetToolAsC(const char* name) const;
RustTool* GetToolAsRust(const char* name);
const RustTool* GetToolAsRust(const char* name) const;
BuiltinTool* GetToolAsBuiltin(const char* name);
const BuiltinTool* GetToolAsBuiltin(const char* name) const;
// Set a tool. When all tools are configured, you should call
// ToolchainSetupComplete().
void SetTool(std::unique_ptr<Tool> t);
// Does final setup on the toolchain once all tools are known.
void ToolchainSetupComplete();
// Targets that must be resolved before compiling any targets.
const LabelTargetVector& deps() const { return deps_; }
LabelTargetVector& deps() { return deps_; }
// Specifies build argument overrides that will be set on the base scope. It
// will be as if these arguments were passed in on the command line. This
// allows a toolchain to override the OS type of the default toolchain or
// pass in other settings.
Scope::KeyValueMap& args() { return args_; }
const Scope::KeyValueMap& args() const { return args_; }
// Specifies whether public_configs and all_dependent_configs in this
// toolchain propagate to targets in other toolchains.
bool propagates_configs() const { return propagates_configs_; }
void set_propagates_configs(bool propagates_configs) {
propagates_configs_ = propagates_configs;
// Returns the tool for compiling the given source file type.
const Tool* GetToolForSourceType(SourceFile::Type type) const;
const CTool* GetToolForSourceTypeAsC(SourceFile::Type type) const;
const GeneralTool* GetToolForSourceTypeAsGeneral(SourceFile::Type type) const;
const RustTool* GetToolForSourceTypeAsRust(SourceFile::Type type) const;
const BuiltinTool* GetToolForSourceTypeAsBuiltin(SourceFile::Type type) const;
// Returns the tool that produces the final output for the given target type.
// This isn't necessarily the tool you would expect. For copy target, this
// will return the phony tool instead since the final output of a copy
// target is a phony alias to the set of copies done so there is one output.
const Tool* GetToolForTargetFinalOutput(const Target* target) const;
const CTool* GetToolForTargetFinalOutputAsC(const Target* target) const;
const GeneralTool* GetToolForTargetFinalOutputAsGeneral(
const Target* target) const;
const RustTool* GetToolForTargetFinalOutputAsRust(const Target* target) const;
const BuiltinTool* GetToolForTargetFinalOutputAsBuiltin(
const Target* target) const;
const SubstitutionBits& substitution_bits() const {
return substitution_bits_;
const std::map<const char*, std::unique_ptr<Tool>>& tools() const {
return tools_;
std::map<const char*, std::unique_ptr<Tool>> tools_;
bool setup_complete_ = false;
// Substitutions used by the tools in this toolchain.
SubstitutionBits substitution_bits_;
LabelTargetVector deps_;
Scope::KeyValueMap args_;
bool propagates_configs_ = false;